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1999 Taste Canada Award Winners

English-Language Books / Les livres langue anglaise

General Cookbooks

The award is given to the best cookbook, written by a Canadian author (or authors).


Seductions of Rice by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid (Random House Canada, Toronto)


The Chez Piggy Cookbook: Recipes from the Celebrated Restaurant and Bakery by Rose Richardson and Zal Yanovsky (Firefly Books Ltd., Toronto)


Open Kitchen: A Chef’s Day at The Inn at Bay Fortune by Michael Smith (Callawind Publications, Montreal)

Special Interest

The award is given to the best special interest cookbook written by a Canadian author (or authors)


Canadian Food Words by Bill Casselman (McArthur & Co., Toronto)


The Man Who Ate Toronto: Memoirs of a Restaurant Lover by James Chatto (Macfarlane Walter & Ross, Toronto)

Les livres langue française / French-Language Books

Livres de Cuisine Générale

The award is given to the best cookbook, written by a Canadian author (or authors).


Naturellement, Québec by Jean Soulard (Éditions Jean Soulard, Québec)


La chronique: Livre de cuisine aux saveurs d’ici et d’ailleurs by Marc de Canck (La Chronique, Montréal)



Fruits and legumes exotiques by Jean-Louis Thémis and l’Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (Les éditions de l’Homme, Montréal)