Did you ever think you would see a vegan chili without any beans in it?? OK, technically there are beans in this recipe, since tofu is made of soybeans, but this is in no way similar to any other vegan chili you’ve had. Anybody who claims that they don’t like tofu will be absolutely blown […]
I have been making this tart for years (decades, even), but it has never made it into a cookbook. Once you try the delicately poached rhubarb spiralled in little rosettes overtop a creamy cheesecake filling, you’ll make this springtime recipe a staple. — Anna Olson’s Baking Wisdom: The Complete Guide: Everything You Need to Know […]
Roasting is not traditionally an Indian cooking method, as ovens were not commonly available, leading to a preference for boiling, steaming, or frying. However, when Suma’s mother visited their Canadian home, she discovered that her favourite beet salad recipe gained an entirely new depth of flavour when the beets were roasted. This vibrant and flavourful […]
This dish feels very French to me, for no particular reason, I suppose, other than that it’s brothy and rather beige. While those descriptors may not be for everyone, to me, brothy and beige is beautiful. I love this recipe for a quick and straightforward dinner. Chicken thighs are my favourite part of the chicken, […]
This recipe was built for batch-cooking and feeding a crowd because it makes a huge amount. It comes from my friends Tanya Guetre and Michelle Kozy. They used to have a lovely little store and catering company called Savour. When they made this chili, I’d buy it by the gallon. When they closed their store, […]
When Aaron and I first started dating, he’d always pitch stuffed bell peppers as a dinner option. Since he was so committed to this idea, I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I just don’t really like cooked bell peppers enough to warrant eating a whole one for dinner, no matter how good […]
(avec ou sans levain) Je ne suis pas très friande de friture, mais j’adore les beignets aux pommes. Ils me rappellent les sorties avec mes enfants au mont Saint-Grégoire, où on en dégustait au milieu des vergers. Le secret d’un beignet léger est de remuer la pâte le moins possible. Cela évite de développer le […]
As the seasons change, these tender pumpkin cake squares with caramel pecans baked right in to create gooey pockets of pumpkin caramel are one of the first signs of fall at the bakery. When we start loading up our pantry with extra cases of pumpkin purée, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, and allspice, all bakers […]
Le gravlax est LA spécialité culinaire des pays nordiques que je préfère. Il est fait de filets de saumon crus longuement marinés dans un mélange de sucre, de sel, de poivre et d’aneth. Le sel cuit le poisson alors que le sucre le fermente et fait ressortir les arômes. La chair devient fondante et parfumée, […]
Complètement banane les Québécois? Avec raison! Nourrissante, bourrée de propriétés, accessible et délicieuse, la banane est depuis toujours un incontournable du panier d’épicerie. Pourquoi, une fois devenues brunes, plusieurs finissent-elles dans le congélo… ou dans le bac brun? – Complètement banane!, Hubert Cormier, Saint-Jean Suivez Hubert sur IG / FB / X Share Post Share […]
En soupe, en salade, dans un bol, chauds ou froids, croquants ou tendres, piquants ou pas, avec viande ou tofu, les ramens, on les aime d’amour, toujours plus chaque jour! Super nouvelle: t’as plus besoin de commander au resto. Prépare toi-même tes ramen dès que l’envie se pointe grâce à Ramène-moi un ramen! – Ramène-moi […]
The Similkameen Valley is famous for its tomatoes. They shine in chef Nick Atkins’s chilled soup, perfect for days when the temperature soars—as it does so often here in the South Okanagan. Fresh cucumber, peppers, onions and spices add complexity, while the basil oil and salsa fresca garnishes transform this gazpacho into something extraordinary. — […]
Sopa azteca Découvrez la recette de la soupe de tortilla mexicaine de Mario Briones, un plat traditionnel et réconfortant, emblématique de la cuisine du Mexique. La soupe de tortilla est appréciée pour sa simplicité et ses saveurs profondes, faisant d’elle un incontournable des repas familiaux au Mexique. – Dans les cuisines du monde, Marianne Lefebvre, […]
The expression “sheet pan dinner” basically means that all the ingredients for your entire meal get cooked in one pan at the same time. Feel free to swap the chicken out for pork loin or chops if that’s what you have in the fridge, and any combination of vegetables will work. —Let’s Eat: Recipes for […]
Fish can sometimes cause reactions in people because it can form histamine if not handled properly. Histamine is a natural compound that can cause discomfort and a variety of symptoms for some people. But don’t worry, this recipe has got you covered with a few smart tips to keep fish fresh and safe to eat. […]
The latter half of the 19th century was the golden age of oysters. With advancements in food preservation and transportation that allowed oysters to be carried across the country, along with a major surge in agricultural production, they showed up seemingly everywhere. They were the cheap, fast and trendy food of the day. This recipe […]
The ultimate low and slow comfort staple with a little je ne sais quoi, this recipe is one of my favorite make-aheads that, even after a few days, I’d happily serve to company (yes, even the mashed potatoes!). The sweetness of caramelized onions paired with rich and hearty slow-cooked beef is made all the more […]
Carrot cake is so ancient that historians do not quite agree on exactly where it came from, but it has enjoyed immense popularity since the Second World War in Britain, a time when carrots were used to add sweetness to cakes when sugar was being rationed. This cake is so good that our best friends […]
It’s easy to fit an entire meal in a pan when you roast your favourite meat over a bed of vegetables. This simple method is infinitely adaptable to the contents of your fridge and the harvest of the day. Simplicity is the goal and just about anything goes. Here, cauliflower, leeks, and apples slowly roast, […]
I am quite picky when it comes to pecan pie. I prefer a pie that is not too sweet and has an even balance of syrupy filling and nuts—too much of one or the other and I’m thrown off balance. Rich and nutty, the brown butter in this filling lends so much flavour and enhances […]
This curry has roots in the port city of Mangalore, in the southern state of Karnataka. Traditionally, we’d use kingfish or fresh sardines, but you could use black cod, halibut, or grouper instead. Full credit to chef Easo Johnson of the Taj Bekal Resort & Spa, who gave me this recipe. – My Thali: A […]
Caesar Salad with Crostini This salad was originally developed by an Italian immigrant, Caesar Cardini but it can be found in restaurants in Italy because of its popularity with tourists. Our version is healthier than the traditional version and we think the flavours are quite authentic. Taste this one blindfolded against the “other” Caesar salad […]
Voici une soupe avec un nom qui ne sonne pas soupe ! Au Maroc, il s’agit d’un plat d’hiver. Mon ingrédient secret ? La merguez ! – De tout coeur, Amine Laabi et Alexandra Diaz, Éditions de l’Homme. Suivez Alex sur IG / FB Suivez Amine sur IG / FB Share Post Share Pinterest
Gnocchi are light pillows of pasta begging for a rich and flavourful sauce. This soy-based, umami-centric mushroom sauce coats each and every gnocchi, creating a hearty dish that is perfect to share with family and friends. – The Vegan Bridge: Expanding Plant Based Cuisine, Romain Avril and Richelle Tablang, Whitecap Books Follow Chef Romain on […]
Aubergines en sauce tomate Melanzane funghetti veut dire, littéralement, « champignons d’aubergine ». Ce nom viendrait du fait que les morceaux d’aubergine ont la forme de petits champignons. – Bottega, Nos recettes et traditions familiales, Giovanna Covone, Éditions de l’Homme. Suivez Bottega sur IG / FB Share Post Share Pinterest
Our granny made cabbage rolls for every single occasion, always perfectly rolled and neatly arranged in the same well-loved casserole dish. There are many ways to make cabbage rolls, but our Ukrainian granny always made hers with a mix of rice, sautéed onions, and bacon, topped with a creamy tomato sauce and baked to perfection. […]
Red meat isn’t a prominent part of the Mediterranean diet, so for those people used to eating it regularly, using plant-based proteins like beans in meals can help reduce meat portions. This is a great example of a positive, “eat more” strategy, one that focuses on adding something nutritious to the diet, in contrast to […]
Pour une Syrienne, mettre du fromage dans une salade, ce n’est pas habituel. À force d’en voir partout ici, j’ai fini par succomber ! En garnissant cette salade de légumineuses de halloumi, on obtient un plat complet, qui fait un excellent lunch nourrissant. Dans la vinaigrette, le cumin et le piment d’Alep rehaussent bien le […]
When we decided to write this book, our first thought was, “You know what the world needs right now? Another take on vitello tonnato!” Just kidding—nobody needs another version of this classic Piedmontese dish. But because tomato season is so special and because Ryan’s and Steph’s moms really loved this version, in which savory beefsteak […]
Sans concession Cette tarte intensément chocolatée et très fondante combine deux couches de chocolat aux textures différentes. Le beurre salé relève encore plus la saveur du chocolat et ajoute une pointe de sel contrastante. Il faut cuire cette tarte à basse température pour que sa surface ne craque pas et reste lisse afin de recevoir […]
At Alberta Food Tours, we often create an experience where we change a classic French vinaigrette into an Alberta vinaigrette starring two of Alberta’s signature foods, canola and honey. Using an Alberta-made mustard instead of one from Dijon (which ironically is most likely made from Alberta mustard seeds) takes it to another level and makes […]
Gai Pad Gratiem Priktai| ไก่ผัดกระเทียมพริกไทย This is one of the most basic items you can get at a raan kao gaeng, a type of restaurant in Thailand where an array of ready-to-eat dishes are laid out on big trays and in pots, and you choose a couple of things to go on top of your […]
We created this fritter/donut batter at the Harbord Room basically on day one, and its first use was for our Orange & Ricotta Dumplings, which quickly became one of our iconic desserts. The batter itself is super versatile, and here we’re using it in a savory fritter preparation that yields a pillowy, melt-in- your-mouth interior […]
This pear cake is very easy to make and also quite beautiful in its simplicity. You can, of course, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a cloud of just barely sweetened whipped cream, but it’s also wonderful on its own, at ambient temperature or even chilled, as part of a mid-afternoon coffee klatsch […]
Sticky, sweet, spicy, and juicy. If you are on the fence about cauliflower, this is the recipe that will convert you! This easy-to-make dinner is a go-to for me when I’m craving takeout vibes. Serve this cauliflower on a bed of fluffy steamed rice and you’re in for a firecrackin’ good time! — Sam Turnball, […]
The words “detox” and “margarita” likely don’t belong in the same sentence, but I’m all for poking a little fun at the wild world of wellness. This vibrant margarita brings the sweet heat with freshly squeezed citrus and a little heat from cayenne (if you dare). Instead of a standard salted rim, I like a […]
Voici la version maison d’une de mes salades de fast- food préférées. Pour le même prix qu’au restaurant, je peux acheter tous les ingrédients nécessaires pour faire quelques repas. Une autre astuce pour économiser! – Cuisiner Plus Avec Moins, 70 recettes pour se régaler à petit prix, Vicky Payeur, Éditions de l’Homme. Suivez Vicky Payeur […]
La fameuse recette qui m’a fait gagner à l’émission Cook At All Costs sur Netflix. Je la propose en entrée, mais elle pourrait être servie en plat principal. On a besoin ici de la moitié de la recette de sauce. Savourez l’autre moitié sur un plat de pâtes! – Dom Cooks, Des recettes simples pour […]
(ou galantine de porc) Une recette d’antan dont le nom fera peut-être grimacer les plus jeunes, mais qui est ni plus ni moins un genre de terrine maison en gelée très savoureuse. Ma belle-maman avait insisté pour nous montrer comment elle procédait pour les dernières étapes, sachant que c’était aussi son dernier Noël avec nous. […]
(Boulettes de viande aux arachides) J’aime les boulettes. C’est facile à cuisiner et on peut les congeler. C’est bon sur les pâtes, le riz et les légumes. – Miamski ! On cuisine en famille, Mériane (Madame Labriski) Labrie, Éditions de l’Homme. Suivez Madame Labriski sur IG // FB Share Post Share Pinterest
Vos papilles se croiront sous les tropiques avec ce burger aux saveurs de la Jamaïque. – Tellement frais, Geneviève O’Gleman, Éditions de l’Homme Suivez Geneviève O’Gleman sur IG // FB Share Post Share Pinterest
You wouldn’t think a roast chicken recipe could surprise you, but this one will. The texture of the frisée against the chicken, both with generous quantities of juices poured over, makes it irresistible both to look at and to eat. Wedges of roasted sweet potato make the perfect accompaniment. Simply peel and cut 2 large […]
Dans son tout premier livre, Fred Campbell fait le récit de ses excursions de chasse et de pêche les plus marquantes d’un bout à l’autre du Canada. À travers cet hommage passionné à la richesse de notre territoire, de sa faune, de sa flore et de ceux qui l’habitent, l’entrepreneur et aventurier cherche à susciter […]
“This chocolate mousse recipe is so simple and so delicious that I can almost guarantee it will become your go-to. Chocolate mousse is, by far, my daughters’ favourite dessert. I always get them to help whenever I make it—one melts the chocolate while the other separates the egg whites from the yolks to make the […]
Quelle allure ! Succès assuré lors d’un pique-nique ou d’un potluck. Pour une version plus rapide, n’hésitez pas à utiliser une bonne pâte du commerce et un fromage déjà parfumé aux herbes. – Mes carnets de saison : printemps – été par Josée di Stasio, KO Éditions. Follow Josée on IG // FB Share Post Share […]
“Craquant ou trempé dans un café, le biscotti est l’accompagnement rêvé pour le café de l’après-midi. La touche de fenouil avive et bonifie les saveurs du mélange.” – Café : Le connaître, le cuisiner, l’apprécier par Kareen Grondin et Didier Reolon, Les Éditions La Presse. Follow Kareen on IG Follow Didier of IG Follow Edika […]
“I’m putting it out there: Lake Erie yellow perch is like the candy of the fresh fish world. So tender and practically sweet. Even people who don’t like fish like lake or yellow perch. There is something of an obsession over it in Southern Ontario. But of course, you can source it elsewhere in North […]
Excerpted from The Miracle of Salt by Naomi Duguid, Artisan Books Follow Naomi on IG // FB // X Share Post Share Pinterest
This baked brie is rich, creamy and garlicky. I love serving this luxurious cheese when entertaining in the cold winter months to soothe the soul. Tuck into this warming dish with fresh baguette or crackers and a glass of red wine. – The Two Spoons Cookbook by Hannah Sunderani, Penguin Canada Follow Hannah on IG […]
“Ricardo adore les tartes de toutes sortes. Il en fait même cuire dans notre van ! Les garnitures changent selon les saisons et nos inspirations. On en cuisine autant des plus raffinées avec un beau tressage que des versions rustiques. Cette tarte aux bleuets est une des meilleures qu’on ait faites. En y intégrant de […]
“This elegant pastry (pronounced pee-tee-VYAY) encloses layers of sweet roasted vegetables, portobello mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes and Black Forest Ham. It also includes just enough Parmesan and Gruyère cheese to lend a savoury note to each splendid bite. Store-bought puff pastry works fine in this recipe, but there are no shortcuts in making the precooked filling. […]
“This is a truly special dessert—the grain-free lemony cake is rich with olive oil and lemon juice and is perfectly sweet. It’s deeply satisfying and dense without being heavy. Just twelve ingredients. I could not resist sneaking in a can of gut-friendly beans, which actually lighten up the batter while adding even more prebiotic fibre […]
(Granola protéiné amandes, cannelle et raisins) “Encore une fois, il y a souvent trop de sucre et de gras saturés dans les granolas du commerce. Ici, on célèbre le choix et le bonheur de manger sainement tout en se réglant. Le défi : ne pas le manger entièrement en un jour (comme moi !).” – Collations énergisantes […]
“My mother’s go-to road-trip food is this savory potato recipe served with chapatis, homemade yogurt, and pickles. I remember stopping off, during road trips, in parks for lunch and having aloo methi alongside homemade sandwiches instead of rest-stop takeout. What makes aloo methi such a good road-trip food is that it packs well, does not […]
Naomi Duguid, who’s taken food lovers to many corners of the globe, now invites readers and cooks on a very different journey–a deep dive into the miracle of salt and its essential role n preserving, fermenting and transforming food. – The Miracle of Salt by Naomi Duguid, Artisan Books Follow Naomi on IG / X Excerpted […]
Voici une recette que j’ai créée il y a des années pour accompagner le pinot noir et que je fais encore lors d’occasions spéciales. Je sers le canard avec un gratin de légumes et, bien entendu, une bouteille de pinot noir. – Un week-end chez Lesley par Lesley Chesterman, Les Éditions Cardinal Follow Lesley dans […]
Le börek est à tel point intégré dans l’alimentation des Turcs qu’il se déroule rarementune journée sans qu’on engloutisse l’un de ces petits chaussons feuilletés. Et il n’y a pasde moment précis pour en manger : c’est bon au déjeuner, sur le pouce le midi, pour lepetit creux d’après-midi, au souper avec du yogourt nature […]
There are two ways you can go about making this recipe. You can buy a cured uncooked ham and cook ityourself, which will give you a less sweet, and more savoury ham, especially if you add the hay. Or youcan save a lot of time by buying a quality cooked and lightly smoked ham and […]
Brussels sprouts. The misunderstood veggie we all loved to hate when we were kids. Even most adults couldn’t stomach the typical way these little baby cabbages were served back in the day: gray, mushy, and bitter. Of course, plenty of thick, gooey cheese sauce helped hide them and make them more palatable. These days, they […]
Excerpt from Cooking Tips for Desperate Fishwives: An Island Memoir, by Margot Fedoruk, Heritage House Follow Margot on IG / FB / Twitter “The night I ran over Rick with my car, I was over four months pregnant with our first daughter. I remember crouching at his side, knees painfully ground into the concrete, […]
Alors que le froid s’installe et qu’on s’emmitoufle à la maison, l’envie de faire un brin de pâtisserie nous reprend. Il faut dire que l’odeur d’un gâteau qui cuit au four procure en soi un grand plaisir. Tout comme de savoir qu’on aura en réserve une tranche de ce cake. C’est un bonheur en banque […]
À elle seule, la nourriture a le pouvoir de nous faire voyager. On s’assoit, on ferme le yeux, on sent, on goûte et hop! on se retrouve dans le pays de notre choix. Je vous offre ici le royaume de Thaïlande dans un seul bol! – L’heure de la soupe : Des recette originales pour […]
I was trying to plan something to cook for one of my first virtual classes when I stumbled upon a bright, colorful photo of salmon covered in “jewels,” on Instagram @laineskitchen and I was inspired. The jewels I am using here are pomegranate seeds, orange suprèmes, rose petals, and pistachios. Other fresh fruit such as […]
Polpette al melanzane Bien que j’aime les boulettes de viande traditionnelles, j’adore cette recette. Les polpette sont légères, goûteuses et constituent un dîner d’été parfait. J’aime les servir avec une généreuse portion de sauce marinara, du pain frais et un bon verre de chianti. – Jusqu’à la dernière miette par Mathew Foulidis, Parfum d’encre. Follow […]
Where’s the vinegar? I’m in the poultry demo at the Natural Gourmet Institute, and I’m looking for the vinegar. The instructor is just patting the chicken dry and then nothing, no washing. What is this? Reports say that washing your chicken can cause bacteria to spread to kitchen surfaces and utensils. That will never stop […]
Every October in Quebec, it’s very easy to be inspired by all the autumn colors around us when we’re dreaming up our monthly salads. In 2020, we created the Feel Good Fall salad, and it was a huge success: gorgeous roasted rainbow carrots with fennel seeds, candied pecans, creamy goat cheese, and a tangy pomegranate […]
Ce plat au bœuf parfumé comprend des fines herbes, des légumes marinés, des rouleaux impériaux, de la sauce aux oignons verts et de la sauce de poisson trempette. Il est souvent servi à température pièce, comme une salade. – Hop dans le wok ! Les secrets de la cuisine asiatique à la maison par Christina […]
“Cette recette hybride entre la quiche et le pain est idéale pour un brunch. Servez ce cake tiède ou froid avec n’importe quel type de café. Si vous avez un restant, faites griller une tranche de cake dans un peu de beurre. Délicieux avec une salade!”– Café : Le connaître, le cuisiner, l’apprécier par Kareen […]
“Easier than tapping a maple tree. Like, much easier.”– Butter and Flower: Cannabis-Infused Recipes and Stories for the Cannacurious by Ann Allchin, TouchWood Editions Follow Ann on IG / X Recipe by Ann Allchin from Butter and Flower, copyright © 2022 by Ann Allchin. Reprinted with permission of TouchWood Editions. touchwoodeditions.com Share Post Share Pinterest
Découvre 100 combinaisons aussi délicieuses qu’originales et des assemblages d’aliments hyper simples qui respectent les ratios idéaux protéines-lipides-glucides en plus de s’adapter à toutes les situations (au boulot, sur le go, en solo).– Snunch par Hubert Cormier, Saint-Jean Éditeur Follow Hubert on IG / FB / X Share Post Share Pinterest
“These flaky and tender scones are quick to prepare for breakfast, brunch or tea time. You can mix and refrigerate the dry ingredients in advance, so it’s ready to go when you start baking. They are especially tasty slathered with our delicious Raspberry Maple Butter.” — Best of Bridge Everyday Celebrations, 125 Recipes for Friends […]
“Nos filles adorent les bols-repas. C’est le plat parfait pour recevoir à la dernière minute. Il suffit de couper quelques légumes et de passer au comptoir de la poissonnerie pour le poisson frais ou de décongeler des ingrédients. À la maison, on a toujours des crevettes, des edamames et des dés de poisson dans le […]
“I do not think I am cut out for a fully raw food life, but I do love a beet ravioli. Marinated beets are flavourful and make a bright contrast to the luscious, rich macadamia pesto cheese that is packed with plant power. Herbs are often overlooked as sources of anti-inflammatory phytochemicals—we really need to […]
“BOOM ! BOOM ! BOOM ! C’est la fête chaque fois qu’on prépare ces boules à la maison. Aussitôt faites, aussitôt disparues. Encore une autre bonne raison de bouger plus… parce que ça boom avec ces boules énergisantes. Une collation saine, nutritive et délicieuse qui se glisse dans la boîte à lunch des enfants, c’est possible ? Oh que […]
“Karine Gagne learned to make this momo recipe from friends while doing research in Ladakh, India. “In spite of its seemingly banal and bland appearance, I also cherish this little ball of stuffed dough, as it recalls the many nights I spent with friends sharing stories, telling jokes, playing cards and board games, and singing […]
“Of any recipe in this cookbook, I’d love for you to try this simple plant-filled Bolognese. It is perhaps my favorite dish and comes together effortlessly. The best part about it is that the meaty texture of the sauce is made entirely of plants, producing a fiber- and nutrient-rich sauce perfect for topping just about […]
Cocktail by Ryan Reynolds, Co-owner, Aviation American Gin “To me, the taste of a Caesar is the taste of home. It’s the quintessential Canadian cocktail and one of the first drinks I ever had. We lived on Crescent Drive, hence the name,” Vancouver native Ryan Reynolds tells us. “My recipe is a Caesar Gin Martini, […]
“Green beans amandine is a simple dish of sautéed green beans and garlic, toasted almonds, and a squeeze of lemon. It is bright, citrusy, and nutty for a healthy side dish worth sharing. My family loves this classic recipe. If you ask me, it’s far too delicious for how quickly it comes together.” – The […]
“When peaches land in the markets, we all go bananas and The Merry Dairy kitchen has a giant peach party. It’s peach iced tea, peach pops, peach sauce, peach pie . . . and of course, peach ice cream. We don’t peel our peaches: the skins add flavour and colour. This ice cream classic is […]
“Notre tante Dany nous présente ici un mets typiquement chinois que sa mère préparait autrefois. Selon elle, cette recette d’aubergines farcies au porc est délicieuse, facile à faire et peu huileuse puisque la cuisson est à la vapeur plutôt qu’à la friture, comme le faisait notre mère (pour notre plus grand bonheur !). Notre tante […]
“Selon la légende, la Waldorf Salad a été créée en 1893 à l’occasion d’un bal de charité organisé au célèbre hôtel Waldorf-Astoria, à New York. La version que je vous suggère est cependant beaucoup plus estivale.” – Festif ! Recettes colorées pour goûter l’été à l’année par Martin Juneau, Les Éditions de l’Homme Follow Martin […]
“Tu connais mon passé de professionnel du barbecue ? Participer à des compétitions m’a permis de voyager souvent aux États-Unis. Du Vermont au Texas en passant par la Caroline du Sud, j’en ai vu des burgers ! Cette recette est inspirée d’un burger que j’ai mangé un jour dans le Maine. J’ai pris part à un repas […]
“Ce poisson cuit au four est la première recette que j’ai appris à cuisiner. Elle paraît complexe, mais c’est tout le contraire : elle est simple et rapide à préparer. Il s’agit d’envelopper un beau morceau de saumon dans une croûte parfumée.”– Méditerranéenne par Vanessa Perrone, Les Éditions Cardinal Follow Vanessa on IG / FB / […]
“When I visit markets this time of year, I find the overflowing baskets of ruby-red radishes impossible to ignore. Too pungent for me when raw, they become sweeter and distinctively earthy when roasted. And best of all, not a single part of a radish—from its leaves to its roots—goes unused, as you’ll see in this […]
“This is one of the lightest, most lemony tarts imaginable, a perfect blend of sweet cream and tangy citrus. It’s a simple recipe with few ingredients, showcasing the sweet edge of lemon in every luscious bite.” – The Artful Pie Project: A Sweet and Savoury Book of Recipes by Denise Marchessault and Deb Garlick, Whitecap […]
“At the height of summer, when so many golden vegetables—golden beets, golden tomatoes, yellow pattypan squash and golden potatoes—are at their peak and super ripe and tasty, this simple chilled soup is a great way to get a real taste of the season. Garnish this with a few basil flowers or leaves, some good-quality cold-pressed […]
“My mother and I created this special dish for our Epicurean Indian Valentine cooking class. When putting the menu together for this class, we were mindful to choose red vegetables and spices, so any recipe using our Tandoori Marinade Spice Blend would fit in quite nicely. This recipe isn’t too fussy, so it’s a good […]
“Saskatoon berry pie is the quintessential Prairie pie, and it’s a mainstay on the Gallery Café’s dessert menu. Sarah sources Saskatoons from Prairie Berries in Keeler for this recipe, which has been adapted over time by café staff and generations of women in the Moore family. Yvette even has a painting titled Saskatoon Pie – […]
“I first discovered watermelon pickles in a canning book from 1965. I followed the recipe exactly, even including the recommended addition of red food colouring. The result was similar to a vinegary maraschino cherry. These watermelon pickles are completely different. Salty, spicy, and packed with flavour, they taste more like a pickled radish. I like […]
Ici, on coche toutes les cases d’une recette qui a du succès : Une garniture croustillante, mais sans friture, une sauce crémeuse sucrée et épicée à souhait, et surtout, elle est approuvée autant par les petits que les grands! – K pour Katrine par Katrine Paradis et Margaux Verdier. Share Post Share Pinterest
“Petit matin au bord d’un lac tranquille. Il est tôt, le soleil t’aveugle un peu. Ton regard est attiré vers la table, où on vient de déposer un plat un peu messy, mais qui t’intrigue par son odeur enivrante. Est-ce une poutine? Une ratatouille des temps modernes ? Difficile à dire, mais quand tu y […]
“These kid-size salmon bites are a powerhouse of protein and omega-3 fat. As your child gets bigger, so can the size of the bites—soon they will be eating salmon burgers! Serve with a dipping sauce like tzatziki.” – Food to Grow On by Sarah Remmer and Cara Rosenbloom Follow Sarah on IG, FB and Twitter […]
“Tandis que le baklava grec est glacé au miel, le baklawa (avec un W !) syrien, lui, est sucré à l’eau florale — et plus léger. En général, nous les achetons chez les hellouanis, des marchands de desserts dont certains sont en activité depuis des générations, et nous les offrons en guise de cadeau d’hôte. […]
“While we tell kids constantly to eat all their vegetables, we adults could use that reminder ourselves. These savory vegetable pancakes make both recommendations easy. They satisfy all eaters while clearing a few things out of the refrigerator—half a zucchini, a lone carrot, a pinch of chopped fresh herbs. Have some kale stems left over […]
“Halloumi is a versatile semi-hard white cheese that has been prominent in Middle Eastern and Greek cooking for generations and with good reason—it can be seared, grilled, or even broiled. It gives a dish that salty punch that is sometimes needed to elevate the other players in a salad. As for the beets, always roast […]
“Even though it sounds and looks pretty darn fancy, a tarte tatin is one of the quickest ways to make a stunning pie for your table. Traditionally made with apples, this springy version is a great way to put a spin on the classic combo of sweet strawberries and sour rhubarb.” – Well Seasoned by […]
With just a little under a month to go until spring is officially here, it’s time for a celebration! Spring is a time to celebrate surviving winter’s harsh weather and to look towards the summer ahead. Whether you choose to bring in the spring by sticking to your New Year’s meal planning goals or want […]
“Bien que le Cosmopolitan soit d’abord et avant tout un classique moderne à la vodka, sa structure ressemble indéniablement à celle d’un White Lady, où l’acidité du citron est remplacée par celle de la canneberge et de la lime. Lors de la rédaction de cet ouvrage et de ses milliers de tests de cocktails, l’équipe […]
If there was ever a salad equivalent to a warming, good-for-the-soul soup, this is it! This salad is my trick to getting in those veggies in the winter, when I no longer feel like cold salads and smoothies. Plus – the dressing is SO good, you’ll want to make extra and drizzle it on everything! […]
“This recipe calls for every part of the corn—the husk, the silk, and the cob for broth and the kernels for the chowder itself. Like many of the recipes in this book, you can cook this chowder in steps—the broth one day, the soup the next.” – The Zero-Waste Chef by Anne-Marie Bonneau Follow Anne-Marie on IG // […]
“This is like a BLT sandwich but made into a pasta salad! As always, the L stands for lettuce and the T for tomato, but the B in this recipe name is for spicy, buttery bread cubes. The crispy cubes with Cajun-inspired seasoning are so irresistible—just try to be polite and leave some of the […]
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“Je vous propose des fougassettes non façonnées à l’allure rustique et faciles à réaliser. Elles sont agréables à servir dans la corbeille à pain, et elles sont délicieuses lorsque coupées en deux sur la longueur et grillées. Elles font aussi d’excellents sandwichs”! – Le pain d’une vie! : Faire son pain maison n’aura jamais été […]
“Baked doughnuts are a super quick alternative to fried ones. They come together with just a whisk and are ready in a snap. This is a perfect recipe if you are trying to find a way to use that ripe banana in your freezer and are sick of making banana bread or muffins. The walnuts […]
“I am told by my mom that when my grandparents left to tend the animals in the fields, they would often take the ingredients for potato salad and make this on the side as they watched over the animals,” says Christina Loucas, author of 2022 Shortlisted cookbook, Cyprus Cuisine. “It was considered a “poor man’s” […]
“I bring my grandmothers’ old recipes up a lot because they are so important to me, almost like being able to ask them questions about baking from beyond the grave. When I somehow misplaced my maternal grandmother’s handwritten whipped shortbread recipe I was totally devastated. I looked everywhere to no avail. So, I began to […]
“This is such a popular dish in Macedonian cooking. Everyone has a different take, but traditionally the stuffing is made with ground beef and rice. Depending on what looks best at the butcher, I sometimes substitute other ground meats as well, particularly pork. My aunt Sophie used to make the best stuffed peppers in our […]
“My maternal grandfather was a great man—a dedicated husband, father, and physician—who held fast to his Egyptian roots, starting with breakfast. Every morning of his adult life started with ful mudam- mas. These cooked fava beans are standard fuel for many Egyptians, often paired simply with bread. When I thought about tweaking this recipe to […]
“Composé lui aussi de boulgour, Pitch est en quelque sorte la version arménienne du taboulé, mais en plus relevé, car on y trouve notamment du cumin et du piment. C’est aussi le plat préféré de Marie, ma belle-mère, à qui je souhaite rendre homage en l’incluant dans ce livre.” – Les Filles Fattoush by Adelle […]
“Gnudi are kind of like if the inside of cheese tortellini had a baby with gnocchi. They are essentially little dumpling pillows of ricotta and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, with these ones getting an extra flavour bump from one of my favourite pantry staples, canned pumpkin. It may look fancy, but these pumpkin gnudi with a creamy […]
“Les keftas se dégustent nature, mais c’est meilleur avec de la sauce au yogourt. Sers-les avec le Riz pseudo- iranien de l’appropriation culturelle.” Je suis pas cheffe, pis toi non plus par Geneviève Pettersen. Share Post Share Pinterest
“I know vegetarian Mennonites who make an exception for Mennonite farmer’s sausage. Back in the olden days in Russia, the whole village would get together for a pig-butchering party and then divvy up the meat for sausage, which they smoked by hanging it in their living-room chimneys. After the butchering, they’d hang around and drink. […]
“Il fallait absolument que ma fameuse recette de « tofu parfait » se trouve dans mon livre ! Puisque je souhaitais vous l’offrir sous forme de repas complet, la voici dans un délicieux wrap.” – La recette parfaite – Mealprep végane par Katia Brica Follow: IG // FB Share Post Share Pinterest
Défis zéro gaspi est le guide pratique pour intégrer la cuisine zéro gaspillage dans votre vie. Son autrice Florence-Léa Siry propose des techniques et canevas pour réduire le gaspillage alimentaire. Grâce à la trentaine de canevas de recettes proposée, vous pourrez laisser aller votre créativité et multiplier vos plats à l’infini en utilisant uniquement ce […]
“You do not have to wait for the holidays to enjoy the flavours of the season. This celebratory recipe brings together all the joyful bounty of Thanksgiving dinner in one stunning dish. The beautiful maple-roasted Hasselback squash takes centre stage, with lots of support from the nutty toasted walnuts and tart cranberries. The Hasselback—thin, close-together […]
“This leek and olive tart is visually stunning and equally delicious. The brie cheese on top melts down over the leeks creating a creamy finish that is balanced by the salty Parmesan and olives. Make your own puff pastry if you have the time. This may seem daunting; it will be far superior to anything […]
“Si l’on choisit de ne plus manger de viande ou de faire plus de place aux aliments d’origine végétale, on n’a pas besoin de tourner le dos aux traditions. Le dimanche soir, il est possible de réunir la famille autour d’un bloc de tofu! Cette recette savoureuse de tofu (avec ses petites patates!) est aussi […]
“This quick and healthy side is flavourful, pretty, and the perfect accompaniment to BBQ Maple Trout. Leftovers can be used in risotto or pasta.” – My New Table by Trish Magwood Follow Trish Magwood on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“Qui n’aime pas les boulettes? Qui n’aime pas les ramens? J’ai réuni les deux pour une double dose de bonheur! Je me suis aussi gâtée en créant un bouillon super goûteux : harissa, miso, cannelle…tout plein de parfums qui font voyager. Au final, c’est savoureux, piquant et réconfortant. Je vous le dis, cette soupe est un […]
“We love this classic Italian dessert because you can truthfully fill the shells with whatever is in season! They’re a flaky pastry vessel for anything sweet and delicious. We initially brought this on the menu and filled it with a vanilla aquafaba, then changed it to this Apple Butter for autumn.” – Acorn by Shira […]
In his 2022 Shortlisted cookbook, Sheet Pan Everything, chef Ricardo Larrivee offers readers fuss-free, one-pan recipes the whole family will enjoy, such as this lovely recipe, perfect for a weeknight meal. Follow IG // FB Excerpted from Sheet Pan Everything by Ricardo Larrivee.Copyright © 2021 Ricardo Media.Published by Appetite by Random House®, a division of […]
Lesna banitsa so sirenje “I developed this recipe because, as much as I love the process of making Bourek or Banitsa, it is a labor of love and I don’t always have the time. I experimented with rolling out store-bought puff pastry dough very thinly with flour, and the result is as close as you […]
“Les brandies de pomme sont généralement des alcools assez puissants, qui peuvent facilement masquer les saveurs plus délicates dans un cocktail. Dans cette recette, j’ai voulu prouver qu’il est possible de créer des mélanges tout en douceur avec ce spiritueux comme colonne vertébrale. À condition bien sûr d’utiliser les bons dosages. J’ai choisi le jus […]
“La recette du livre Fast food santé dont je ne me tanne jamais est celle du milkshake façon banana split. C’est LE compromis pour les indécis qui font stagner la file d’attente à la crèmerie! Bananes, dulce de leche, chocolat mi-sucré, arachides salées… et un ingrédient surprise qui rend ce milkshake encore plus crémeux et […]
“In 2016, the Estrella Damm Culinary Congress in Barcelona (along with the iconic Michelin star chef Ferran Adrià), hosted a city-wide “Tapas Journey,” an event featuring tapas-inspired dishes by participating restaurants. This was our creation for the event. Fast-forward two years and I am welcoming Albert and his team to our Taiwanese snack bar in […]
“Inventé à la fin du 19e siècle à l’hôtel Bellevue-Stratford de Philadelphie, ce classique était dégusté par les gentlemen qui fréquentaient cet établissement. Ce Gin Sour utilise du sirop de framboise. Il est intéressant de noter que ce sirop a été l’un des premiers à faire son apparition dans la littérature consacrée aux cocktails. Il […]
“J’entre chez grand-mère sans même frapper. Assise près de la fenêtre, elle me voit monter mon vélo sur la galerie. Scouic, scouic, scouic. J’entends le son rassurant de la chaise berçante, mêlé au bruit sourd des gros camions passant à toute vitesse sur le boulevard … Grand-mère Thérèse ne se lève plus pour m’accueillir, je […]
“What do you get when you combine guacamole and hummus? The perfect party pleaser, that’s what. Avocado makes this hummus so creamy and light, you won’t ever want to have avocado-free hummus again!” – Fast Easy Cheap Vegan: 101 Recipes You Can Make in 30 Minutes or Less, for $10 or Less, and with 10 […]
“Si tu t’ennuies des œufs, c’est ton jour de chance. Notre salade d’œufs est vraiment réussie. Tu la sens : c’est des œufs. Tu y goûtes : c’est des œufs. Tu l’enroules dans une tortilla : Bam! Sandwich aux œufs!”– Recettes véganes pour gens actifs par Xavier Desharnais & Nicolas Leduc-Savard Follow Xavier Desharnais on IG // FB […]
“This is the cookie that put Maman on the culinary map! We’ve shipped thousands across the country for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and — our favourite — “just because I love you” gifts. Gooey on the inside, crisp on the outside, salty, crunchy, and sweet, these cookies even earned a spot on Oprah’s Favorite Things list […]
“J’adore rehausser la couleur, la saveur et la fraîcheur de mes plats avec de la salsa,” dit Marie-Ève Caplette, auteure du livre de cuisine finaliste de la compétition 2022 Bien manger, c’est tout simple. “Comme le poisson blanc a un goût plutôt doux, on doit l’assaisonner correctement pour l’apprécier. J’utilise des pêches pour ajouter une […]
“Les noix sont très riches en matières grasses,” dit Evelyne Bergevin et Stéphanie Thibault, auteurs du livre de cuisine finaliste de la compétition 2022, Optimiser sa chirurgie bariatrique: Prendre soin de son bébé-estomac une bouchée à la fois. “En effet, elles sont souvent considérées comme des sources de protéines, mais elles contiennent surtout de « bons […]
“This salad was created for a steel drum band on my TV show, Healthy Gourmet, and is packed with anti-inflammatory goodness,” says Julie Daniluk, author of 2022 Shortlisted Cookbook, Becoming Sugar-Free: How to Break Up with Inflammatory Sugars and Embrace a Naturally Sweet Life. “Puréed avocado is the secret to this slaw’s creamy richness. Beets […]
“In many communities in Newfoundland, it’s a long-standing tradition to include a blank recipe card with a bridal shower invitation so that the bride-to-be has a collection of tried-and-true recipes to use during her married life,” says Marsha Tulk, one of the authors of 2022 Shortlisted Cookbook, Food, Culture, Place: Stories, Traditions and Recipes of […]
“At my farmers’ market, a couple of vendors give away fennel stalks and fronds,” says Anne-Marie Bonneau, author of 2022 Shortlisted cookbook, The Zero-Waste Chef: Plant Forward Recipes and Tips for a Sustainable Kitchen and Planet. “Most fennel buyers want the stalks and fronds lopped off, nipping what-on-earth-do-I-do-with-this-stuff guilt in the bulb. So, I get […]
“This is one of my favourite traditional Cypriot dishes, which is enjoyed by my family every summer and into the early fall while zucchini blossoms are around,” says Christina Loucas, author of 2022 Shortlisted cookbook, Cyprus Cuisine. “Outside of Cyprus I have mostly seen zucchini blossoms fried or stuffed with cheese, and I find that […]
“The Empire cookie goes by many names—Belgian biscuit, biscuit bun, German biscuit, double biscuit—and is apparently related to the Linzertorte, which I suppose it must be, in as much as any jam-filled pastry is,” says Camilla Wynne, author of 2022 Shortlisted cookbook, Jam Bake: Inspired Recipes for Creating and Baking with Preserves. “I do not […]
“Butter tarts, a Canadian classic, are the subject of much debate: to add or not to add raisins. If you are among the roughly 10% who insist they must have raisins in them, I am sorry, but I am just not a fan of raisins in desserts,” says Jenell Parsons, author of You Wanna Piece […]
Executive Chef jW Foster (from the historic Library Bar at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto), shares his recipe for his popular Prime Rib Sandwich! The prime rib sandwich has been a popular dish for the Bay Street barons and Toronto regulars that Library Bar has welcomed over the years. When Chef Foster was […]
“Impossible d’être à côté de la plaque en servant ce repas coloré !” dit Geneviève O’Gleman, auteur de Petit Prix. Follow Geneviève O’Gleman on IG / FB / Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“Yeghints, or pilaf, is a dish that is made when water is poured over a grain and cooked until all the water has been absorbed. While they are delicious on their own, they are commonly served as sides to complement (or liven up) the main dish. There are many different variations of yeghints, depending on […]
“These gooey Easy Pecan Pie Bars are …full of decadence,” says Julie Albert and Lisa Gnat, authors of The Bite Me Balance Cookbook. “They’re like handheld tasty treaties, smoothing the way with their thick layer of caramelized pecan pie filling sitting atop a buttery shortbread crust. The laid-back cousin to the traditional pie, these bars […]
“Many people believe that as a symbol of Canada, the Canada goose is protected from hunting and eating. In fact it can be hunted, and this majestic goose is actually considered a nuisance bird, with its population on the rise unaffected by urban sprawl and human interference.” explains Michael Hunter, author of The Hunter Chef: […]
“When I started cooking in Canada, so many people asked me to put ketchup in my pad Thai, but I never would,” says chef Nuit Regular, author of the Gold-winning cookbook, Kiin: Recipes and Stories from Northern Thailand. “So many people are surprised by the taste of this dish in my restaurants, because they have […]
“Nothing tastes better than free!” says Bob Blumer, author of 2021 Gold winning cookbook, Flavorbomb: A Rogue Guide to Making Everything Taste Better. “My Weekend Free-ttatas™ are an effective way to rescue your tired veggies, cuttings, and miscellaneous bits that lurk in the crevices of your fridge, and turn them into a hearty zero-waste breakfast […]
“I love the caramel-y, pie-like flavor that squash develops as it roasts,” says Eden Grinshpan, author of 2021 Silver-winning cookbook, Eating Out Loud: Bold Middle Eastern Flavors for All Day, Every Day. “Adding crispy sage and honey is really just a bonus — and my favorite combo with squash. After you make this, you’ll see […]
“Petits et grands vont raffoler de cette rafale de joie qui engendre la bonne humeur,” dit Madame Labriski, auteur de Ces Muffins dont tout le monde parle. “Merciski la vie !” Follow: IG // FB Share Post Share Pinterest
“A tagine is a cone-shaped cooking vessel traditionally used in Moroccan cooking,” explains Peter Sanagan, author of the 2021 Shortlisted cookbook, Cooking Meat. ”Meat (commonly lamb, chicken, and beef), vegetables, and liquid are placed in the shallow base, the lid is set on top, and as the food cooks, the steam inside the tagine falls […]
The end of summer is a time of harvest, and in our minds, there are specific herbs that conjure up a feeling — crunchy rainbow-colored leaves on Montreal sidewalks, Canadian Thanksgiving feasts, the smell of sage and rosemary wafting from the family oven. So we came up with a sage-inspired dressing to accompany a mix […]
“For any day you want a quick dessert that doesn’t require a hundred ingredients, try these easy baked pears,” says Kirsten Buck, author of 2021 Taste Canada Awards Shortlisted Cookbook Buck Naked Kitchen: Radiant and Nourishing Recipes to Fuel Your Health Journey. “All you need is a few pears and a couple pantry staples, and […]
“This quiche is a Schales family tradition, served to celebrate the first crush of grapes after harvest and bless the new vintage,” says Jennifer Schell, author of 2021 Taste Canada Awards Shortlisted Cookbook, The B.C. Wine Lover’s Cookbook: Recipes & Stories from Wineries Across British Columbia. “Stefanie Schales serves it to her family and crew […]
“Packed with good fats, this delicious freezer fudge is a perfect treat for anyone who loves tahini,” says Lee Capatina, author of Eat Good Fat: Nourish Your Body with Over 100 Healthy, Fat-Fuelled Recipes Gold Winner at the 2021 Taste Canada Awards. “Inspired by the flavours of Middle Eastern halva, I’ve used tahini and toasted […]
This Cheesecake Squares recipe is from 2021 Taste Canada Hall of Fame Honoree Bonnie Stern. “These little cheesecake squares are the ones my mom used to make for every occasion,” says Bonnie. “They are always perfect for parties, tea, snacks, dessert and even breakfast. Serve as is or with berries, grated chocolate or sprinkles.” Follow […]
“There really isn’t a patty melt culture in Canada,” says Matty Matheson, chef and author of 2021 Taste Canada Awards Shortlisted cookbook, Matty Matheson: Home Style Cookery. “It might be because we don’t have a lot of diners. Regardless, I love a patty melt so much, and I don’t think there’s a more Canadian patty […]
“This bread, whose name means “little grandmother,” is all things comforting and homey, with its rich dough and cinnamon-and-chocolate filling woven throughout,” says Chef Anna Olson, author of the 2021 Taste Canada Award Gold winning cookbook, Baking Day with Anna Olson: Recipes to Bake Together. “Chocolate is a relatively new (and North American) addition to […]
A staple menu item at Portuguese churrasquerias, piri piri chicken (also called pili pili or peri peri) derives its name from the peppers traditionally used in the dish’s marinade. Piri piri peppers arrived in Portugal by way of southeastern Africa and thereafter became popularized by the charred rotisserie chickens that came to bear their name. […]
“This salad fills your house with the most intoxicating pumpkin spice and maple aroma—who needs to burn a pumpkin spice candle when you have this gorgeous recipe?” says Angela Liddon, author of 2021 Shortlisted Cookbook, Oh She Glows For Dinner. “The best part? You get three recipes out of one here. In addition to making […]
“As soon as the temperature dips and fall knocks on your door, get these cupcakes exploding with pumpkin spice flavour in the oven! Topped with a dreamy Cream Cheese Buttercream that complements the spice of the cupcake, baker beware: if you make these once, you’ll be asked to make them again and again.” From 2021 […]
“If I had to choose my favourite Dominican dish, it would be, without a doubt, Dominican pumpkin soup,” says Diala Canelo, author of the 2021 Shortlisted Cookbook, Diala’s Kitchen: Plant-Forward and Pescatarian Recipes Inspired by Home and Travel. “Especially if made by my mother! In Santo Domingo, soups are made whenever it’s rainy and the […]
“For the opening of Bel Café we wanted to do some menu items that absolutely everybody would like: from travellers staying in the hotel to locals working at a desk nearby. Something that’s light and fresh, rich but vegetarian—vegan even. It had to be tomato soup. This is just a simple purée, but it works. […]
“This recipe is a complete, hands-down winner,” says Laura Bradbury, author of Bisous and Brioche: Classic French Recipes and Family Favorites from a Life in France. “My dear friend Marie gave me this recipe, and I make it at least two or three times a month. It uses the magic of Burgundian Dijon mustard to […]
“Maïs lessivé s’agit de grains de maïs séchés, puis plongés dans de la chaux ou de la cendre de bois. Cela permet de faire gonfler la « peau ». La peau et le germe sont ensuite enlevés. Les Premières Nations apprêtent traditionnellement le maïs de cette façon. C’est aussi ainsi qu’on fabrique la farine nécessaire […]
“If there’s one cuisine I could eat for the rest of my life it would be Thai food, and I’ve been blessed because my Thai sister-in-law Tula is a terrific cook,” says David Robertson, author of 2020 Shortlisted cookbook, Gather: A Dirty Apron Cookbook. “You can make the green curry paste with a mortar and […]
This vegan dish from Comptoir végan by Gabrielle Cossette et Aurélie Lacroix is the perfect transition to fall cooking. Follow Gabrielle Cossette et Aurélie Lacroix on IG // FB Share Post Share Pinterest
“Huckleberries are one of my favourite summer treats,” DL Acken, co-author of Cedar + Salt: Vancouver Island Recipes from Forest, Farm, Field, and Sea. “There’s just something so delicious about strolling through a cool forest, hidden from the sun by the giant fir trees, and coming upon a bounty of bright pink, super-tart berries. They’re […]
Looking for a quick weeknight dinner idea that’s healthy for the whole family? Stéphanie Côté has the solution in her cookbook, Savoir quoi manger – grossesse. Follow Stéphanie Côté on IG // FB Share Post Share Pinterest
This fresh recipe from 2020 Shortlisted cookbook, Vegetables First by Ricardo Larrivée, makes for a delicious summer dinner on the patio. Follow Ricardo Larrivée on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“La croquette qui a voyagé et qui en a long à raconter,” dit Geneviève O’Gleman, auteur de Soupers Rapides. Follow Geneviève O’Gleman on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
In Kim Thúy’s 2020 Shortlisted cookbook, Secrets from My Vietnamese Kitchen, she gives readers a delicious introduction to Vietnamese cooking. This Vegetable Ribbon, Pork and Shrimp Salad recipe is a lovely dish to try on a hot summer day. It highlights the best of the garden–carrots, celery, daikon, cucumber, basil and coriander, while only needing […]
“Une recette débordante de saveurs !” dit Linda Montpetit, auteure de Végé gourmand. “Les tortillas de maïs apportent beaucoup d’authenticité, mais ce plat est tout aussi savoureux servi avec des tortillas de blé.” Follow Linda Montpetit on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“Raspberry and chocolate are a match made in anti-inflammatory heaven,” says Desiree Nielsen, author of 2020 Shortlisted cookbook, Eat More Plants. “Raspberries are one of the highest fibre fruits, keeping your tummy happy and your blood sugars balanced. Flavonoid-rich cocoa is at its most nutrient dense when you are eating the whole cocoa bean, also […]
“While writing this book, I finally ventured to California, and it became a new “happy place” for me,” says Allison Day author of Modern Lunch: +100 Recipes for Assembling the New Midday Meal. “Gjusta, a bakery and restaurant in Venice Beach, California, has a grain bowl that played with temperature, texture, and flavor in a […]
“Every house in my Thrissur neighborhood had one or two mango trees,” says Joe Thottungal, author of 2020 Gold Winning cookbook, Coconut Lagoon. “Some were sweet for eating right off the branch, and some were sour, used for pickling and cooking. This vibrantly colored mango curry is authentically Keralan, and one we’d typically pair with […]
This lovely vegan cake from 2020 Shortlisted cookbook, Les bonnes choses : cuisine végane au fil du jour by Eline Bonnin is the perfect loaf to munch on through the week. Follow Eline Bonnin on IG Share Post Share Pinterest
“Oh, mon doux !,” dit Alexandra Diaz, l’auteure de Fiesta Santé. “Je vous présente la sauce chipotle… Faites de la place dans le frigo.” Follow Alexandra Diaz on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“This is what I crave when the days are endlessly hot and humid,” says Jan Scott’s 2020 Gold Winning cookbook, Oven to Table: Over 100 One-Pot and One-Pan Recipes for Your Sheet Pan, Skillet, Dutch Oven, and More. “It’s simple to make, takes very little time in the oven, and impresses almost all who encounter […]
“Ç’pas pour me vanter, mais mon grand-père m’a déjà dit que c’était la meilleure lasagne qu’il avait mangée dans sa vie,” says Rosalie Lessard, auteure de Survivre en appart. “Pis j’me dis qu’à 85 ans, y’a dû en manger plus que 2, 3 fois, ça fait que j’le crois !” Follow Rosalie Lessard on IG // […]
This is a delicious and healthy vegetarian pizza from 2020 silver winning cookbook Sprout Right Family Food: Good Nutrition and Over 130 Simple Recipes for Baby, Toddler, and the Whole Family by Lianne Phillipson. It’s egg-free, gluten-free and nut-free and a great way to sneak in veggies. “Stack it thick, and whatever vegetables fall on […]
Cette recette délicieuse, et saine, est tirée du livre de cuisine gagnant de l’argent 2020, Savoir quoi manger – TDAH by Elisabeth Cerquiera. Follow: IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“In our opinion, the best part of any quiche or pie is the crust . . . and this crust has it all—it’s flaky, crumbly, golden, and nutty,” say authors Tamara Green and Sarah Grossman of The Living Kitchen cookbook. “We’ve made this Pesto Vegetable quiche for clients who are undergoing treatment and needed an […]
“Yes, you can do these ribs in your oven or on a gas grill,” says Michael Olson, author of 2020 Shortlisted cookbook, Living High Off the Hog, “but I love the aroma of the smoke that comes off a pellet or charcoal grill. Be a pal and supply plenty of paper napkins, a finger bowl, […]
Ajoutez une délicate note florale à votre menu. La fraîcheur matinale dans votre assiette. Frites ou cuites au four, ces fleurs farcies sont tout simplement féeriques. Follow: IG // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“Mother nature is part wonder, part magic, and part science,” says Mairlyn Smith, author of 2020 Shortlisted cookbook, Peace, Love and Fibre: Over 100 Fibre-Rich Recipes for the Whole Family. “She’s unpredictable and altogether her own boss, which makes for an interesting combo. Depending on her weather whim, local rhubarb and strawberries are either available […]
“So, if you’re being interrogated about your breakfast choices you can honestly say, “I swear officer, it was just a muffin!”, says author Rosie Daykin of Let Me Feed You: Everyday Recipes Offering the Comfort of Home. Follow Rosie on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“Traditionnellement, un cari est un plat qui mijote longuement, permettant aux saveurs de se développer doucement dans le chaudron et dans la maison,” dit Caroline Huard de Loounie cuisine. “Mais bon. Parfois, le temps manque et l’envie d’un plat réconfortant se fait sentir. J’ai la solution!” Follow Caroline Huard: IG / FB / Twitter Share […]
“La galette sarrasin, aussi appelée crêpe de blé noir, tire ses origines de la Bretagne,” dit auteur de Déjeuners protéinés, Hubert Cormier. “Le goût particulier du sarrasin, un grain sans gluten, en fait un déjeuner unique. Attention, la farine de sarrasin ne se conserve que deux mois et doit être gardée au réfrigérateur.” Share Post […]
“Pain perdu, literally ‘lost bread,’ usually refers to French toast, bread pudding, or any dish where stale bread is used to soak up liquid and cooked, thus giving it new life (the bread is no longer lost!),” says Giselle Courteau, author of 2020 silver-winning cookbook, Duchess at Home. “In this recipe, the combination of almonds, […]
“Pour redorer le blason du tofu l’aliment caméléon par excellence!,” dit Alex Diaz, auteur de Fiesta santé. Follow Alex on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“Ce qui est bien avec les pizzas maison, c’est que chacun peut la garnir à son goût,” dit Jessika Langlois, auteur de Food Prep pour repas improvises. “Chez nous, mon chum la préfère avec plus de sauce, mon fils avec très peu de fromage, ma fille sans champignons et moi avec un peu de roquette. […]
“In order to irrigate fields and to transport crops, a network of lagoons and canals was carved into the Kerala countryside to connect the rivers, lakes, and inlets,” shares Joe Thottungal, author of Gold Winning cookbook, Coconut Lagoon: Recipes from a South Indian Kitchen. “The small crabs of this backwater area of Kerala (there are […]
“The beauty of a devilled egg is that beyond the usual mayo, mustard and pickle bits, you can add just about anything to the yolks—ripe avocado, a bit of chopped kimchi, curry paste, chimichurri, Sriracha—anything that goes well with eggs can be mixed in, like a twice baked potato. The chips though—they add salt and […]
“The almond pear tart is a French classic, filled with almond frangipane, and topped with fresh or poached pears,” says Betty Hung, author of 2019 shortlisted cookbook, French Pastry 101. “For simplicity, this recipe uses freshly sliced pears. This is an excellent example of how versatile the basic recipes are; starting with the simple tart […]
“This dish was created during the Great Tomato Glut of 2017,” shares Andrea Carlson, author of 2020 Silver winning cookbook, Burdock & Co. “Due to a cool early growing season and a sudden hot spell, the tomatoes we had all been waiting for all summer came ripe all at once. Farmers were desperately trying to […]
Très loin de la vie rudimentaire de Walden, voici la version moderne et délicieuse de pain aux raisins à la mijoteuse de Ricardo Larrivée, un clin d’œil à mon ami cuisinier qui est un peu beaucoup à l’origine de cette À la table des philosophes. Share Post Share Pinterest
“Finding plant-based main dishes for a holiday meal, can be a serious challenge!” shares authors Jillian Harris and Tori Wesszer of 2020 Shortlisted cookbook, Fraiche Foods, Full Hearts. “We played around with a few ideas and finally fell head over heels in love with this dish that Jillian created — she seriously knocked it out […]
“La pomme est pour moi le fruit ultime du réconfort,” dit auteure Pommes : de la soupe au strudel, Louis-François Marcotte. “J’ai grandi en en mangeant une par jour, dans la salade Waldorf ou la croustade de ma mère. Elle fait partie de notre culture, de notre patrimoine culinaire et de nos traditions avec ses […]
School: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Students: Melanie Craighead and Sashank Palla Follow on IG // Twitter Recipe: Duo of Duck with Flavours from the Forest Pantry A true Canadian farm to table inspired autumn dish, featuring duck two ways using foraged ingredients from Alberta, along with a bounty of rich and vibrant ingredients […]
This delicious Caramel Pork dish is a Vietnamese classic for good reason. Slightly sweet, nicely heated, and topped with fresh cilantro and green onions, it’s sure to please everyone around the table. Thanks to 2020 Taste Canada Awards shortlisted author Kim Thuy, for this gorgeous recipe from her book Secrets From My Vietnamese Kitchen. Follow […]
School: Thistletown Collegiate Institute, Toronto Students: Nadra Ali & Sagal Ismail Follow on: IG // FB // Twitter Recipe: Somalian inspired stuffed Chicken with toasted Barley, Squash and Malawa (crepes) Somalian cuisine is well renowned for irresistible spice blends, this dish combines complex flavours with a silky sauce, velvety squash puree and nutrient rich Canadian […]
“Rares sont les gens qui ont autant d’énergie que P.-O,” dit Max Coubes et Rose Simart, les auteurs de L’apero au Quebec: cocktails locaux et de saison. “Une courte conversation avec lui suffit pour comprendre que ce marchand de glace carbure à la passion. Au cours de ses longues journées de travail, il s’accorde peu […]
School: Fleming College, Peterborough Students: Matthew Brohm & Cassandra Lee Follow on IG // FB // Twitter Recipe: Rosemary & Thyme Braise Beef Short Rib served with a Shitake Mushroom & Barley Risotto, Butternut Squash Puree, Heirloom Carrots, and Roasted Beets garnished with Crispy Potato Spirals. In this fall-inspired, local ingredient recipe was developed to […]
Ali a été notre plongeur chez Olive pendant 12 ans. Il venait du Bangladesh et travaillait à Montréal pour soutenir sa famille restée là-bas. Il était plus vieux que nous, et musulman pratiquant. Au début, il ne se mêlait pas trop à l’équipe. On était, à ses yeux, une bande de dégénérés. Avec le temps, […]
“Mention White Spot in a conversation and you’ll quickly find out who’s from Vancouver,” says Mairlyn Smith, author of 2020 Shortlisted Cookbook Peace, Love and Fibre: Over 100 Fibre-Rich Recipes for the Whole Family. “The conversation will immediately include words like Zoo Sticks, Monty Mushroom Burgers, Chicken Pickens, or a side of pickles with extra […]
“This is an addictive little snack!” says Joe Thottungal, author of 2020 Gold Winning Cookbook, Coconut Lagoon: Recipes from a South Indian Kitchen. “Crispy, spicy, and protein-packed, parippu vadas are typically sold in coffee shops in south India and are traditionally served with a nice coffee or steaming cup of chai. Prepare a batch the […]
School: Liaison College of Culinary Arts, Kitchener Students: Destiny Moser & Sophie Chartrand-Burke Follow on IG // FB // Twitter Recipe: Chicken Mousseline Ballotine with Squash Puree, Chasseur Sauce and Seasonal Vegetables Late summer crops provide sweetness to the vegetables that pair beautifully with the lightness of the chicken mousseline for a dish sure to […]
“Hearty sweet potato, tender cauliflower, pretty rainbow chard, and protein-packed edamame add flavour and colour to tender, juicy chicken thighs. This one’s not a publicity stunt, folks — it’s the number one recipe on the Abbey’s Kitchen blog, and you’ll quickly figure out why.” It’s Dairy-free and gluten-free Follow Abbey’s Kitchen on IG // FB […]
“Whether slow-roasted in an oven to enhance their natural sweetness, puréed into a soup, or thinly sliced and served raw in a fresh salad, beets are incredibly versatile,” says Rod Butters, author of The Okanagan Table. “But I particularly enjoy them braised, when they take on the flavours of the aromatics, and their colour and […]
This better-than-takeout dish — from The Paleo Diabetes Diet Solution: Manage Your Blood Sugar with 125 Recipes Plus a 30-Day Meal Plan, by Jill Hillhouse and Lisa Cantkier — is also quick and easy. Follow Jill on IG // FB // Twitter Follow Lisa on IG // Twitter Courtesy of The Paleo Diabetes Diet Solution […]
“Having this muffin for breakfast leaves me satisfied for hours, probably because of all the nut flour!” says Julie Daniluk, author of Hot Detox. “A 28-month study involving 8,865 adults in Spain found that people who ate nuts at least two times per week were 31 percent less likely to gain weight than those who […]
When crème brûlée gets together with your favourite soothing spices, wonderful things happen. The result? A simply elegant dessert by Egg Farmers of Ontario. Follow the Egg Farmers of Ontario on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“During the holiday season we can barely keep packages of these ginger cookies on our shelves,” says authors of Bobbette & Belle: Classic Recipes from the Celebrated Pastry Shop, Allyson Bobbitt & Sarah Bell. “In fact, one of our parents keeps their bag in the freezer in an attempt to eat only one cookie at […]
Excerpted from Vegetables First: 120 Vibrant Vegetable-Forward Recipes by Ricardo Larrivée. Copyright © 2019 Ricardo Media. Photography by David De Stefano. Published by Appetite by Random House®, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved. Share Post Share Pinterest
Evoking the flavours of fall, this dish sings with the richness of halibut and the earthiness of mushrooms, sunchokes, and brussels sprouts. Courtesy of Executive Chef and author of Cin Cin: Wood Fired Cucina, Andrew Richardson. Follow Cin Cin on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“This thin and fragrant lentil stew recipe was quite popular with my recipe testers,” says Laura Wright, author of The First Mess Cookbook: Vibrant Plant-Based Recipes to Eat Well Through the Seasons. “A bunch of them told me they had already started working it into their weeknight dinner rotation. With the “throw it all in […]
“Chef Jeff Van Geest of Miradoro Restaurant in Oliver made this incredible chicken dish when he was a guest chef at one of my Food/Wine/Farm Workshops at Okanagan College,” says author Jennifer Schell of The Butcher, the Baker, the Wine and Cheese Maker in the Okanagan. “The aromas of roasted chicken and cedar boughs is […]
Est-ce que vos enfants retournent à l’école la semaine prochaine? Qu’ils aillent en classe ou qu’ils apprennent à la maison, une chose est certaine : vous aurez besoin d’idées de repas rapides, nutritifs et délicieux tout au long de la semaine. Découvrez ces muffins au saumon de Stephanie Cote de son livre de recettes Savoir […]
Découvrez le mode de vie méditerranéen avec le livre de cuisine présélectionné de 2018, Savoir Quoi Manger – Régime Méditerranéen de Nathalie Verret. Nathalie emmène les lecteurs à la découverte de plats méditerranéens classiques, comme ce délicat Pouding au riz et à l’anis. Fait de riz arborio crémeux, et épicé à l’anis étoilé, ce dessert […]
“We often think of hummus as the exclusive domain of the chickpea,” says Joel MacPherson and Dana Harrison, authors of 2017 Shortlisted cookbook Batch: Over 200 Recipes, Tips and Techniques for a Well Preserved Kitchen. “When local farmers’ markets started selling this bright purple version, it really made some heads spin. I like the added […]
“The sad thing about living on the West Coast is its lack of oatcakes, which were our favourite snack in the Maritimes,” says Lindsay Anderson and Dana VanVeller, authors of 2018 Gold winning cookbook Feast: Recipes and Stories from a Canadian Road Trip. “Because they’re made with oats, we easily convinced ourselves they’re a healthy […]
Warm and rich Thai flavours come together in this take on a popular street food. Featuring slurp-worthy noodles and plenty of colourful vegetables, this recipe is a complete meal in a bowl. Follow Canada Beef on IG // FB Share Post Share Pinterest
“This simple side dish is carrots from top to bottom,” says Lynn Crawford, chef and author of 2018 Gold-winning cookbook Farm to Chef: Cooking Through the Seasons. “Roasted grapes bring out the natural sweetness of the caramelized carrots, and the creamy, rich carrot-top dressing completes the dish. Carrot tops are loaded with vitamins and give […]
A beautiful soup for when the fresh peas are just coming out of the garden from Awesome Ancient Grains and Seeds: A Garden-to-Kitchen Guide, Includes 50 Vegetarian Recipes by Michele Genest and Dan Jason. Follow along on FB // IG // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
“Surprenez vos invités en leur servant ce délice glacé en guise de dessert,” dit Louise Gagnon, auteure de Sous le charme des petits fruits. “Pour cette occasion, n’allez surtout pas remplacer le yogourt riche et onctueux par un yogourt écrémé !” Follow Louise Gagnon on IG Share Post Share Pinterest
Hailed as Canada’s most innovative chef, Marc Lepine is renowned for his masterful culinary work and extraordinary dishes at his award-winning restaurant, Atelier which showcases pioneering techniques and signature recipes inspired by local ingredients, seasonality, and innovation. Follow Marc Lepine: IG // FB // Twitter Excerpted from Atelier by Marc Lepine with Anne DesBrisay. Photography by Christian […]
“I wanted to include this recipe to show you how the basic yum dressing can be turned into something different,” says Pailin Chongchitnant, author of Hot Thai Kitchen. “I’m adding a large proportion of clams to this recipe, because the briny juice that clams release blends brilliantly with our yum dressing. Thai chili paste, or […]
“When summer heats up, heaven bless the cold noodle salad,” says Sarah Britton, author of Naturally Nourished. “I like to make a big batch of this and keep it in the fridge for when hunger strikes and the last thing I want to do is turn on the stove to boil water. Any vegetables work […]
“This is what I like to call macaroon perfection,” says Angela Liddon, author of Oh She Glows Every Day: Quick and Simply Satisfying Plant-Based Recipes. “It’s the go-to quick-and- easy dessert that I pop in the oven before company comes over. Not only does everyone go nuts over the macaroons, but they fill the house […]
Succotash Sauté is a simple side-dish that is the perfect market-fresh pairing with the Cajun-spiced steak. Use frozen corn if fresh corn is not in season. Make with your favourite Grilling Steak: T-Bone, Porterhouse, Top Sirloin, Strip Loin, Wing, Tenderloin, Bottom Sirloin Tri-tip, Rib Eye or Rib. Follow Canada Beef on IG // FB Share […]
This English sponge cake layered with cream and fresh strawberries is a true classic. It is best enjoyed the day it is assembled, so factor that into your planning. Follow Anna Olson on IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
Macaroni de légumineuses à la sauce au fauxmage This vegan mac and cheese recipe is perfect for kids and mom and dad from cookbook Savoir Quoi Manger – Végétalien by Marise Charron et Linda Montpetit,. Follow on FB // IG Share Post Share Pinterest
“The idea for this dish came from a meeting I had with my food service rep. We were chatting about wild game, bison in particular, which is commonly found roaming our Northern landscape. He suggested making a donair with the bison and the idea sparked!” , says Aaron Gautreau Share Post Share Pinterest
These little bites come from Savoir quoi manger – La santé par l’intestin by Stéphanie Côté and they’re fully loaded: sweet pears, crisp oats, chopped nuts and a flavourful spice blend make for a delicious snack that’s also great for your gut health. Follow Stéphanie Côté on IG // FB Share Post Share Pinterest
Just when you thought lemon meringue pie couldn’t get any better…it did! Fresh lemon meets gingersnap cookies that are topped with light and airy meringue, layered in a mason jar. Hello dessert! Thank you to our friends at Egg Farmers of Ontario for this great recipe! Follow the Egg Farmers of Ontario: IG // FB […]
“If there’s a deep-fried piece of dough to be had, especially in sub-zero Arctic temperatures, we are on it,” says Lindsay Anderson & Dana VanVeller, authors of Feast: Recipes & Stories from a Canadian Road Trip. “We dutifully visited Gypsy’s restaurant, an institution in Churchill, and purchased both apple and pineapple fritters. This recipe was […]
“We are so fortunate to live where we do, and I count wild salmon as one of the many benefits of coastal living,” says Lee Murphy, author of The Preservatory. “Thankfully I have a few fishermen in my family who keep our freezers well stocked, and in the summer there is nothing better than a […]
This dish is part of the Savour Ontario recipe collection, created by top Ontario chefs. Sign up to receive the complete digital collection at: savourontarioathome.ca. “I always have different forms of Asian noodles on hand,” says Chef and Savour Ontario at Home Curator Trevor Lui. “Integrating them, using ingredients from other classic dishes, allows me […]
“I’ve heard that sugar pie used to be made by stirring brown sugar, cream and flour with your finger right in the pie shell,” says chefs Dominic Paul & Jessi Duffy who’s recipe is featured in Ottawa Cooks by Anne DesBrisay. “That’s something I like about traditional desserts; they tend to be homely and unsophisticated. […]
“I am known for cheeseburgers, and I hate it,” says chef Matty Matheson, author of 2019 Shortlisted cookbook, Matty Matheson: A Cookbook. We always had a cheeseburger on the menus at Parts & Labour and Oddfellows,” “Everyone loves cheeseburgers. But then I did a cheeseburger competition TV show in Toronto called Burger Wars. It was […]
Inspired by Koshari, a traditional street food in Egypt, this weeknight rice bowl features a hearty mixture of protein and fibre-rich whole grain, beans and ground beef, all topped with a zesty tomato salsa. This meal gets an iron boost with the synergy-effect of combining meat, beans, chard and whole grain. Follow Canada Beef: IG // […]
“This recipe has been adapted from the well-known recipe from the New York Times,” says author Jackie Kai Ellis of The Measure of My Powers. “I had tried many recipes obsessively over the years and narrowed them down to three favorites: this is one I still make often when I want an ooey gooey cookie […]
“I felt it was important to write The Complete Plate after receiving a life changing diagnosis in 2013,” says author Lauren Klukas. “My new reality resulted in not being allowed to exercise for the rest of my life. I felt like I had already given up so much and I was not ready to also […]
This dish is part of the Savour Ontario recipe collection, created by top Ontario chefs. Click here to sign up to receive the complete digital collection. This mac and cheese recipe from Toronto culinary event producer and recipe developer Jasmine Baker is simply unreal. “I have never met a mac and cheese combo I didn’t […]
By Sharon Hapton and Gwendolyn Richards Liam Lewis, Age 15, Little Locavore Blogger, thelittlelocavore.ca, Vancouver, BC: “My parents would “hide” nutrition inside my favorite foods like this cheeseburger soup. Cauliflower is a very stealthy vegetable that can sneak into many delicious meals, and their baked macaroni and cheese almost always had a hidden head of […]
“I just feel better going into a school week knowing I’ve got at least one thing in the freezer that I can pull out to pack into lunches,” says Ceri Marsh, one of the authors of THe School YEar Survival COokbook. “These patties are often that one thing. They’re easy to whip up on the […]
“I’m just going to come out and say it: I’ve never been a massive fan of poutine,” says author of Brunch Life: Comfort Classics and More for the Best Meal of the Day, Matt Basile. “I get why people like it and I understand why it’s so popular, but what bothers me about the dish […]
“This dish was inspired by a staff meal I’d order during a summer waiting tables at a five-star, world-renowned fine-dining restaurant on Galiano Island,” says Kristy Gardner, author of the 2018 Silver-winning cookbook, Cooking with Cocktails. “Don’t be afraid of the number of ingredients—this Moroccan-influenced dish comes together in just over half an hour and […]
Renée Kohlman, author of All the Sweet Things: Baked Goods and Stories from the Kitchen of Sweetsugarbean, brings us this delicious carrot cake with crunchy brittle tucked inside. “ If you love regular cream cheese icing,” she says, “this recipe will make you downright giddy. It’s smooth and creamy, with the lovely caramel nuttiness that […]
Enjoy this delicious take on the classic Greek pastry from Egg Farmers of Ontario. Spinach, feta, ricotta and fresh seasonings are wrapped in phyllo pastry to make a crispy appetizer or a light meal. Serve with fresh tzatziki. Follow along with the Eggs Farmers of Ontario: IG // FB // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
Enjoy Vikram Vij’s favourite snack! Naan pizza made with leftovers from the fridge. It’s the sauce that makes the dish! For more great recipes from the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, follow them at: On Instagram: @ontariodairy and @savourontario On Facebook: @Ontariodairy and @savourontario Twitter: @OntarioDairy Share Post Share Pinterest
Who doesn’t like pancakes? Thanks to Egg Farmers of Ontario, here’s a delicious recipe to get the kids cooking. Follow along with the Egg Farmers of Ontario at: Instagram // Facebook // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
This chocolate cake is eggs-tra easy to put together and can be baked in a rectangular pan or two round pans to make a layer cake. Serve dusted with icing sugar or drizzled with caramel sauce. For more great recipes from Egg Farmers of Ontario, head to www.getcracking.ca/recipes. Follow along with the Egg Farmers of […]
If this zesty bruschetta with tangy balsamic glaze doesn’t make you hungry, the sunny-side up eggs definitely will! For more great recipes from Egg Farmers of Ontario, head to www.getcracking.ca/recipes. Get social and follow the Egg Farmers of Ontario: Instagram // Facebook // Twitter Share Post Share Pinterest
Hailed as Canada’s most innovative chef, Marc Lepine is renowned for his masterful culinary work and extraordinary dishes at his award-winning restaurant, Atelier which showcases pioneering techniques and signature recipes inspired by local ingredients, seasonality, and innovation. Excerpted from Atelier by Marc Lepine. Photographs by Christian Lalonde. Copyright 2018 by Atelier. Excerpted with permission from Figure 1 Publishing. […]
Anna Olson shares two delicious cookie recipes from Set for the Holidays with Anna Olson. They’re perfect for gifting, baking with the kids or to celebrate National Cookie Day! Excerpted from Set for the Holidays with Anna Olson by Anna Olson. Copyright © 2018 by Olson Food Concepts. Excerpted by permission of Appetite by Random […]
Famille futée 4 – 200 recettes pour survivre aux soirs de semaine par Geneviève O’Gleman et Alexandra Diaz (2018), Les Éditions de l’Homme, Montréal Un mets emblématique du take-out asiatique, moins gras et moins salé ? Oui, mon général ! Share Post Share Pinterest
Eggs and crunchy vegetables join spicy beef and noodles to make this ramen bowl comfort food with a kick! Share Post Share Pinterest
This is a classic French dessert with lots of wonderful mythology around it. It goes back to the late 1800’s, to a small hotel in the village of Lamotte-Beuvron. Allegedly the Tatin sisters who ran the hotel accidentally dropped the apple tart, and out of desperation tried to rescue it – but they cooked it […]
You can’t go wrong when eggs and peameal bacon get together and the addition of sweet potato adds a savoury touch to this classic comfort breakfast. Share Post Share Pinterest
In Good Company features more than 100 satisfying recipes created by Food Network star, Chef Corbin Tomaszeski —from hearty breakfast fare, savoury small plates, and super salads to tasty mains and favourite desserts—that are perfectly suited for sharing. Share Post Share Pinterest
Cinquante-deux soupes bien garnies à décliner toute l’année. Des bases originales : bouillon de lait de coco, de tomate de septembre, de parmesan, fumet de porcinis. Puis des mélanges gagnants : des légumes, des légumineuses, des céréales, du poisson, un peu de viande… Avec des accompagnements gourmands : scones au fromage, craquelins multigrains, grilled cheese… […]
This delicious twist on a classic will make you forget everything you ever knew about poutine, especially with the addition of maple Hollandaise! Share Post Share Pinterest
(cacao, framboise et noix de coco)Elle n’a pas fait a, la Madame Labriski ? Oh que oui. Aprs le succs de la galette du même nom, voici une version pouding au chia tout aussi délicieuse. Une bonne recette, c’est une bonne recette. Share Post Share Pinterest
“You may not know what a tian is, but if you’ve seen the movie Ratatouille, you’ll be familiar with a version of this presentation of vegetables sliced thinly, cooked and served in an elegant stack. The dish you see in the movie was created by Chef Thomas Keller (of The French Laundry, among other restaurants), who was a […]
Qui a dit qu’allergies alimentaires ne pouvaient rimer avec desserts? Certainement pas Viviane Nguyen. Sa créativité et sa détermination lui ont permis de créer des petites douceurs exemptes de gluten et d’allergènes prioritaires, dont les arachides, le noix, les oeufs, les produits laitiers, le blé et le soja. Les desserts de Petit Lapin par Viviane […]
The Complete Plate shows that weight maintenance, and weight loss, can be achieved through a balanced diet of ingredients that come together to meet both nutritional and caloric demands. Excerpted from The Complete Plate by Lauren Klukas. Photographs by Lindsay Nichols. Copyright 2018 Lauren Klukas. Excerpted with permission from Figure 1 Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of […]
Thank you to Grain Farmers of Ontario, a proud partner of Taste Canada Awards, for sharing these delicious recipes! Learn more about The Ontario Grain Farming Advantage and their commitment to sustainable practices. A fun snack for family gatherings and long weekends. These burgers are a different spin on your favourite barbeque foods. Barley is […]
Topped with lean Canadian bacon and candy-like pineapple just kissed on a fiery grill, this heavenly burger towers over basic beefy stacks.
This is the most popular recipe from Hot for Food and the covergirl of Vegan Comfort Classics: 101 Recipes to Feed Your Face, nominated for a Taste Canada Award! Crispy and saucy cauliflower makes a heck of a replacement for chicken in this spicy stacked monster of a sandwich.
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Enjoy this recipe for Greek Potatoes with Lemon Yogurt Sauce, from Canola Canada, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. Share Post Share Pinterest
Enjoy this recipe for Smoky Corn Chowder, from Canola Canada, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. Share Post Share Pinterest
Enjoy this recipe for Peach, Oat and Almond Crumble Bars, from Canola Canada, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. Share Post Share Pinterest
Don’t let brunch get you down! A simple combination of ingredients placed in the slow cooker and voila…brunch is served. Peppers, hash browns, potatoes and ham unite to delight your guests. Share Post Share Pinterest
A twist on the classic Monte Cristo sandwich, this one-pan bake combines the sweet flavours of French toast with ham and cheese. Whether you are planning a casual meal with the family or a fancy brunch with friends, this version of the “French Sandwich” will surely have your guests asking for seconds. Share Post […]
Skip the takeout line and try this easy homemade Chicken Egg Foo Yung. This “fluffy egg pancake” combines chicken, mushrooms, bean sprouts and bok choy, topped with a simple and flavourful sauce. A sprinkle of sliced green onions tops it off to perfection. Share Post Share Pinterest
A classic egg salad sandwich hits the spot on many occasions. You can serve it on your favourite sliced bread or buns, toasted or plain. It’s always a sandwich to enjoy. Great for picnics, too! Share Post Share Pinterest
This Asian inspired soup is perfect for a light meal or appetizer. Share Post Share Pinterest
These yummy tarts are a variation of the traditional Portuguese custard tarts – Pasteis de Nata. A great dessert for any holiday… or just because! Share Post Share Pinterest
Enjoy a fusion of tastes with this simple yet tasty pad Thai. For an extra spicy treat, simply kick up the amount of Sriracha added. Share Post Share Pinterest
The recipe for this soft-set custard is from pullet farmers Andy and Bonnie DeWeerd of Tavistock, Ontario. With its caramelized sugar crust, this dessert looks like crème brûlée. Not only is it simple and delicious, but it can be made ahead. Share Post Share Pinterest
Inspired by the simple Italian salad of tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese and basil with the addition of chicken. Excellent source of folate, vitamin B12 and selenium. Good source of niacin and riboflavin. Share Post Share Pinterest
Crispy on the outside and stuffed with vegetables, bacon and scrambled eggs on the inside. Ideal for an on-the-go breakfast!Excellent source of vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C, magnesium, iron and zinc. Good source of thiamin and calcium. Share Post Share Pinterest
Recipe courtesy of Egg Farmers of Ontario Follow the Egg Farmers of Ontario on IG // FB // Twitter With the distinct flavour of Montreal smoked meat, this eggs benedict will be a breakfast or brunch favourite you will love to enjoy at home. Share Post Share Pinterest
Enjoy this recipe for Tikka Masala Beef Skewers, from ThinkBeef.ca, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. Yes–you can make great take-out right in your own kitchen. If you have the gang over, serve up buffet style and let everyone pick their own toppings. The subtle spice from the curry paste is cooled off by the raita yogurt […]
Enjoy this recipe for Ground Beef Kheema, from ThinkBeef.ca, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. This Kheema is a Mumbai street food recipe adapted from a recipe by Michelle Peters-Jones at The Tiffin Box as part of our ThinkBeef.ca Global Recipe Swap. Simple but exotic, add this recipe to your ground beef weekly ‘recipe rotation’ – Yum! […]
Enjoy this recipe for Black Pepper Beef, from ThinkBeef.ca, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. ThinkBeef.ca partnered with HotThaiKitcnen.com YouTube chef Pailin Chongchitnant to put together a super simple, super speedy and authentic stir-fry recipe. Pailin makes this stir-fry in a snap by using an extra steak that she cooked for a dinner the previous day. It’s […]
Enjoy this recipe for Nut Free Soy Energy Bites, from Grain Farmers of Ontario, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. Sponsored recipe courtesy of Grain Farmers of Ontario. Share Post Share Pinterest
Enjoy this recipe for Barley and Black Bean Burger, from Grain Farmers of Ontario, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. Sponsored recipe courtesy of Grain Farmers of Ontario. Share Post Share Pinterest
Enjoy this recipe for Overnight Oats in a Jar, from Grain Farmers of Ontario, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada. Sponsored recipe courtesy of Grain Farmers of Ontario. Share Post Share Pinterest
Enjoy this recipe for Creamy Roasted Garlic Hummus Pasta, from Summer Fresh, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada
Enjoy this Loaded Hummus Platter recipe courtesy of Summer Fresh, a proud sponsor of Taste Canada
Recipe: Enjoy this Artichoke and Asiago Polenta Fries recipe featuring Summer Fresh.
Salmon makes dinnertime so easy. Its full flavour means it can stand alone with minimal seasoning, or stand up to just about any assertive ingredients you crave, including kale tossed with an autumnal cider vinaigrette. To help satisfy our hunger for this omega-rich fish without depleting the ocean, the ‘Namgis First Nation of Vancouver, bc, has made tremendous strides in sustainably farming Atlantic salmon. Their landlocked pens at the north end of Vancouver Island ensure the fish never escape into the ocean where they might wreak havoc on wild populations. In the States, farmed steelhead or arctic char offers a similarly sustainable alternative with a comparable flavour and nutritional profile.
This delicious Thai Root Vegetable Salad was excerpted from Toronto Eats by Amy Rosen.
Moilee is an authentic dish from Kerala, a mild ginger and coconut curry traditionally cooked with seafood and served with appam—a traditional thin and lacey rice flour pancake—or with Kerala rice. You can find red Kerala, or matta rice, in South Indian or Sri Lankan grocery stores or serve with steamed basmati rice instead. Start marinating the shrimp at least six hours before you want to serve the moilee.
An entire orange – peel and all – goes into a food processor with dates and other stuff and you get these tasty treats!
From Edna Staebler’s 1979 “More Food That Really Schmecks”.
These energy power balls are filled with wholesome goodness and are simply delicious! A wonderful snack for any occasion or if you are simply having a chocolate craving moment. They are gluten and dairy free. Enjoy & Be Tummy Vibrant!
This is a great recipe for those who are new to the kitchen and want to experiment working with different flavors. Have fun trying new and unusual flavor combinations, such as blood orange and dark chocolate, and using different extracts, yogurts, and fruits.
When I was growing up on our farm, we’d often have a surplus of certain ingredients, notably potatoes. (We must have gone through about 50 pounds of potatoes each week.) My grandmother would prepare bubble and squeak with day-old leftover mashed potatoes, and we would add whatever we had around to enhance the flavor and nutrition of the dish.
Just a few bold ingredients give you plenty of punch in this dish fit to be served at even the finest gastro-pub.
Galettes are the ultimate in messy baking. Being freeform, the shape can be less than symmetrical and you’re not required to do any tricky lifting or fancy edging like with pies.
This colourful salad is brimming with fresh Ontario fruit and vegetables. It’s then finished with a generous serving of Ontario Lamb, cooked to a melt in your mouth medium rare.
Courtesy of Ontario Commercial Fisheries’ Association and Love Local Food. This Ontario fresh water fish is pan-fried to perfection in butter and a sprinkle of salt. Serve with garlicy roasted veggies for a quick summer meal.
This take on tiramisu is made with layers of crêpes and a rich espresso mascarpone filling to create an eye-catching brunch item or dessert that will wow any crowd.
Chef Trevor Bird always has an interesting take on classics! This creative and easy way to prepare and serve deviled eggs will impress your guests for sure!
A champion of Canadian cookbooks, Taste Canada inspires readers to discover delicious recipes and diverse food stories written from a Canadian perspective.