An Edible Journey: Exploring the Islands’ Fine Food, Farms and Vineyards by Elizabeth Levinson (TouchWood Editions Ltd., Victoria , British Columbia)
Hungry for Comfort: The Pleasures of Home Cooking by Rose Murray (Penguin Canada, Toronto)
Hungry for Comfort: The Pleasures of Home Cooking by Rose Murray (Penguin Canada, Toronto)
HomeBaking: The Artful Mix of Flour and Tradition Around the World by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid (Random House Canada, Mississauga, Ontario)
Chef’s Salad by Bill Jones (Whitecap Books Ltd., Vancouver)
Secret Ingredients: The Brave New World of Industrial Farming by Stuart Laidlaw (McClelland & Stewart Ltd., Toronto)
British Columbia Wine Country by John Schreiner (Whitecap Books Ltd., Vancouver)
An Edible Journey: Exploring the Islands’ Fine Food, Farms and Vineyards by Elizabeth Levinson (TouchWood Editions Ltd., Victoria, British Columbia)
Gastronomie et forêt by Christiane Gauthier, Jean-François Lacroix and Paul-E.Lambert (Gesti-Faune, Inc., Stoneham, Quebec)
Gastronomie et forêt by Christiane Gauthier, Jean-François Lacroix and Paul-E.Lambert (Gesti-Faune, Inc., Stoneham, Quebec)
Laurent Godbout: Chef Chez L’Épicier by Laurent Godbout (Les Éditions de l’Homme, Montreal)
Basilic, thym, coriandre et autres herbes by Jean-Paul Grappe (Les Éditions de l’Homme, Montreal)
Saveurs de legumineuses: 125 recettes pour mieux les connaître et les cuisiner by Manon Saint-Amand (Les Éditions de l’Homme, Montreal)