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Devilled Eggs – a timeless classic!


Devilled eggs are back in style and with new flavour twists on this quick and easy-to-make
appetizer, you’ll want to bring them to your next potluck once the festive season starts. Unleash
your culinary creativity. While mayonnaise and mustard is a great stand-by combo to mix in with
the egg yolks, how about adding crab meat, smoked salmon, olives or jalapenos.

Bonus: You can make devilled eggs ahead of time. In fact, you can hard-cook eggs and they’ll
keep for a week in the fridge (leave the shell on). 

If you’re looking for the perfect devilled eggs recipe, give these a try! Find this recipe and more
at www.getcracking.ca.

Need help making the recipe? Watch this video for tips and tricks!

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