Des recettes traditionnelles – dont plusieurs inédites –issues des belles régions du Molise et de Naples. Cheffe de talent au restaurant comme à la maison, Giovanna Covone présente 70 recettes familiales rassembleuses, tirées du menu ...
I have been making this tart for years (decades, even), but it has never made it into a cookbook. Once you try the delicately poached rhubarb spiralled in little rosettes overtop a creamy cheesecake filling, ...
(avec ou sans levain) Je ne suis pas très friande de friture, mais j’adore les beignets aux pommes. Ils me rappellent les sorties avec mes enfants au mont Saint-Grégoire, où on en dégustait au milieu ...
As the seasons change, these tender pumpkin cake squares with caramel pecans baked right in to create gooey pockets of pumpkin caramel are one of the first signs of fall at the bakery. When we ...
Carrot cake is so ancient that historians do not quite agree on exactly where it came from, but it has enjoyed immense popularity since the Second World War in Britain, a time when carrots were ...
I am quite picky when it comes to pecan pie. I prefer a pie that is not too sweet and has an even balance of syrupy filling and nuts—too much of one or the other ...
Sans concession Cette tarte intensément chocolatée et très fondante combine deux couches de chocolat aux textures différentes. Le beurre salé relève encore plus la saveur du chocolat et ajoute une pointe de sel contrastante. Il ...
This pear cake is very easy to make and also quite beautiful in its simplicity. You can, of course, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a cloud of just barely sweetened whipped cream, ...
“This chocolate mousse recipe is so simple and so delicious that I can almost guarantee it will become your go-to. Chocolate mousse is, by far, my daughters’ favourite dessert. I always get them to help ...
“Craquant ou trempé dans un café, le biscotti est l’accompagnement rêvé pour le café de l’après-midi. La touche de fenouil avive et bonifie les saveurs du mélange.” – Café : Le connaître, le cuisiner, l’apprécier ...