Did you ever think you would see a vegan chili without any beans in it?? OK, technically there are beans in this recipe, since tofu is made of soybeans, but this is in no way ...
Des recettes traditionnelles – dont plusieurs inédites –issues des belles régions du Molise et de Naples. Cheffe de talent au restaurant comme à la maison, Giovanna Covone présente 70 recettes familiales rassembleuses, tirées du menu ...
I have been making this tart for years (decades, even), but it has never made it into a cookbook. Once you try the delicately poached rhubarb spiralled in little rosettes overtop a creamy cheesecake filling, ...
Roasting is not traditionally an Indian cooking method, as ovens were not commonly available, leading to a preference for boiling, steaming, or frying. However, when Suma’s mother visited their Canadian home, she discovered that her ...
This dish feels very French to me, for no particular reason, I suppose, other than that it’s brothy and rather beige. While those descriptors may not be for everyone, to me, brothy and beige is ...
This recipe was built for batch-cooking and feeding a crowd because it makes a huge amount. It comes from my friends Tanya Guetre and Michelle Kozy. They used to have a lovely little store and ...
When Aaron and I first started dating, he’d always pitch stuffed bell peppers as a dinner option. Since he was so committed to this idea, I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I ...
(avec ou sans levain) Je ne suis pas très friande de friture, mais j’adore les beignets aux pommes. Ils me rappellent les sorties avec mes enfants au mont Saint-Grégoire, où on en dégustait au milieu ...
As the seasons change, these tender pumpkin cake squares with caramel pecans baked right in to create gooey pockets of pumpkin caramel are one of the first signs of fall at the bakery. When we ...
Le gravlax est LA spécialité culinaire des pays nordiques que je préfère. Il est fait de filets de saumon crus longuement marinés dans un mélange de sucre, de sel, de poivre et d’aneth. Le sel ...