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2024 Awards Judges

Taste Canada Awards Jury

The Taste Canada Awards’ jury is comprised of volunteers from Canada’s culinary profession. Appointed by an independent selection committee, each judge abides by our Conflict of Interest Policy. Taste Canada Awards’ Board of Directors, staff, contractors, Advisory Board members, Category Coordinators, Selection Committee, sponsors, donors and spokespersons have no influence on the judging results, and in no way determine the award winners. For more information, visit Process & Policies.

Thank you to our judges from across the country, who provided their time and professional expertise to pour over the books, test away in their kitchens and exercise their taste buds to tackle the very difficult task of selecting the shortlist and award winners. Thank you, as well, to the Category Coordinators who kept everything on track.

2024 Judges Seal - Taste Canada Awards

Category Coordinators/Coordonnateurs de catégorie

Barbara Barnes, Edmonton, AB: Barbara Barnes is a long time Edmonton-based professional home economist. Her specialization is food and nutrition. Barbara has extensive experience in recipe development, testing and writing. She is a former ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen manager. During the pandemic, Barbara kept in touch with her family and friends writing a weekly email food newsletter, a practice she continues. In 2021, she received the AHEA Fellow Award for her accomplishments in Home Economics.

Daphna Rabinovitch, Toronto, ON: Daphna has been involved in the food industry for over 35 years as a pastry chef, Test Kitchen Director for Canadian Living Magazine, co-host of the television show Canadian Living Cooks, and as a freelance writer, product and recipe developer. She has won two Taste Canada Awards, one for Canadian Living Cooks, Step by Step Cookbook and a gold for her latest cookbook, The Baker In Me.

Deborah Youden, St. John’s, NL: Deborah is a home economist and consultant who works with businesses engaged in international trade. She also delights in harvesting Newfoundland delicacies from the land and the sea.

Karen Barnaby, Vancouver, BC: Chef, cookbook author, syndicated food columnist, and cooking instructor, Karen currently works as a product development consultant, food photographer and recipe developer. She is honored to be a part of the ever-changing landscape of food, and food writing, and loves discovering something new.

Marie-Josée Demers, Sherbrooke, QC: Marie-Josée est diplômée en cuisine du Centre de formation professionnelle du 24 juin de Sherbrooke dans les années 90. Très active dans le domaine de la restauration depuis 30 ans et riche d’un grand bagage d’expériences, elle est revenue enseigner son savoir à l’école où elle avait étudié. Elle partage ses compétences, son savoir et ses dernières découvertes, en contaminant tous ceux qui la côtoient. Vous la trouverez certainement un livre à la main ou dans un boisé près de chez vous en pleine cueillette de plantes sauvages, qui serviront à des projets futurs.

Mary Ann Binnie, London, ON: A food-centric home economist who grew up on a dairy farm, Mary Ann has worked her entire career in agriculture, promoting wholesome, nutrient-rich foods and is an active member of various Home Economics associations.



Aimée Wimbush-Bourque is a Halifax-based award-winning food writer and author of the bestselling Brown Eggs and Jam Jars and The Simple Bites Kitchen. A former chef, she is passionate about forging a healthy family food culture through home cooking, seasonal eating and modern-day homesteading. Aimée’s website, Simple Bites, is a family-oriented community that offers a 15 years’ worth of comprehensive recipes and simple tutorials. A member of the Chef’s Manifesto, Aimée is an advocate for #zerowaste cooking, sustainable food choices and the UN’s Global Goal #zerohunger. Instagram @aimeebourque

Alexandre Grenier, Ascot Corner, QC :

Angie Quaale, Langley, BC: Angie is a champion for ALL things local. She is a chef, a cookbook author (Eating Local in the Fraser Valley, Random House 2018) and an entrepreneur. Angie lives in Langley, BC and has owned Well Seasoned Gourmet Foods Inc. since 2004. She is the Past President of the BC chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier, has served as the Chair of Tourism Langley, Past-Chair and a founding board member of the Langley Community Farmers Market. If you’re looking to connect with Angie, please email her at askachef@wellseasoned.ca

Athéna F. Paradis, Sherbrooke, QC :

Émilie Belleville, Sherbrooke, QC :

Gaetan Tessier, Boileau, QC ;
Gaetan Tessier, chef et chocolatier consultant, Lauréat Renaud Cyr 2004, membre coordonnateur de la compétition meilleur apprenti cuisinier du Québec pour la Société des chefs, cuisiniers et pâtissiers du Québec, membre des Disciples d’Escoffier du Canada, mentor en éducation professionnelle pour l’Université de Sherbrooke, évaluateur de porte folio en formation professionnelle pour l’UQAR , a enseigné en Cuisine durant 35 ans, chef invité à enseigné dans 8 lycées en Finlande.On retrouve ses diplômes au Québec, au Canada, en France , à Bangkok et dansa 3 étoiles Michelin à New York. Il a entrainé nombre de jeune apprenti pour des compétitions et possède à son actif plus de 25 médailles et trophées, pigiste pour Radio Canada Ottawa.

Heat Laliberte, Burnaby, BC: Heat is an Indigenous Red Seal Certified Chef. Originally from Saskatchewan, he made his way west and has worked in Vancouver’s best hotel, restaurant and catering companies for the last 18 years. He is currently Chef Consultant to the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre’s Catering Program and Chef for Vancouver’s favourite Food Truck Crack On! Follow him on Instagram @onearrowyvr.

Jane Ruddick PhD, West Vancouver, BC: Jane is president of J.R. Food Consultants advising food producers and culinarians for many years. She is coach of Canada’s National Junior Culinary Team and is Provincial Bailli for British Columbia for the prestigious Chaine des Rotisseurs.

Jennifer Schell Lirag, Kelowna, BC: Jennifer Schell Lirag is a highly acclaimed, international award-winning food and wine author, columnist, photojournalist and champion of BC’s local food, wine and farm community for almost two decades. Jennifer’s bestselling new book The BC Wine Lover’s Cookbook published by Appetite by Random House continues the celebratory theme set in her first three award-winning cookbooks: The Butcher, The Baker, The Wine & Cheese Maker. Born and raised on an apple orchard in East Kelowna Jennifer and her books were the first to spotlight the amazing community of people behind the food, drink and farming community of the Okanagan. Follow on Facebook, Instagram, her Website, and YouTube.

Joanne Leese, Toronto, ON: Joanne’s professional experience includes working as pastry chef, offering demonstrations at major food exhibitions/shows and coordinating of one of Toronto’s most comprehensive cooking schools: The LCBO. Joanne has also worked with many of Canada’s most widely read food authors, doing recipe development and testing.

Jordan Hocking, Vancouver, BC: Jordan is the owner and founder of Sriracha Revolver Hot Sauce Inc. Cooking and eating makes Jordan feel like an artist and she loves the way food gathers community and family together. Jordan started her company in 2017 in hopes of inspiring other chefs at home to be creative, and eat well. Jordan is a Plains Cree (Paskwâwiyiniwak) food entrepreneur who is delighted by the innovative food community of which she is very grateful to be a part. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Karen Hogg, Toronto, ON: Food is Karen’s love language. Growing up she spent summers on family farms in southern Saskatchewan where she developed a deep appreciation of farm-to-table. Surrounded by a family of incredible home cooks inspired Karen, and today she loves sharing her creations with family and friends. She devours cookbooks, reading them cover to cover like novels, imagining and savouring the dishes — even if she doesn’t always make them. Her passion for food and cookbooks led her to Taste Canada where she volunteered in 2023 at the Awards Gala and Cooks the Books events.

Marie Edmond, St. Thomas, ON: A passion for all food from around the world, Marie relishes in trying new recipes and of course eating them! With an academic background in food and nutrition, Marie enjoys her role as a Senior Operations Team Leader at Maple Leaf Foods.

Michel Giguere, Montréal, QC :

Moira Sanders, Mount Albert, ON: Author of the award-winning Harrow Fair Cookbook and Kitchen Table Cookbook, Moira has worked in the business of food for more than 25 years, including professional kitchens from Vancouver to France. Presently Moira cooks part-time for George Weston Limited in Toronto and she works at the East Gwillimbury Public Library. Her co-workers know that she can usually be found near the cookbook collection! Find her on Instagram @moira_sanders.

Nathalie Labelle, Laval, QC : Pigiste et blogueuse, Nathalie peaufine sa formation en cuisine au gré de ses voyages. Elle a terminé une formation en Gestion des pratiques socio-culturelles de la gastronomie, spécialité tourisme.  Ses voyages, ses formations en pâtisserie et en cuisine l’ont amené à collaborer avec plusieurs médias tel que Le DevoirCoup de Pouce, Les Idées de ma maison, entre autres. Vous pouvez la suivre sur son blogue : www.itinerairesgourmands.com, @lamoureuse.desdesserts

Nicole-Ann Poitras, Burnaby, BC: Nicole-Ann has been involved in the food service and hospitality industry for more than 20 years in various roles mainly concentrating on marketing and event production. Nicole-Ann lives in Burnaby, BC and owns Purple Chili Consulting, where she works with brands across many sectors. She is a member of the BC Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier, is passionate about mentoring students at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, her alma mater, and is a past board member of FarmFolk CityFolk and the HR MacMillan Space Centre. Follow Nicole-Ann on Instagram: @nicoleann_poitras

Noelle Chorney, Saskatoon, SK: Noelle owns Tall Order Communications, specializing in content creation for multiple media — and her passion is food. She is the leader of Slow Food Saskatoon, Saskatoon’s head judge for the Canadian Culinary Championships and Managing Editor for The Gardener and Co-op Table Magazine.

Raquel Fox Toronto, ON: Chef and TV Expert Raquel Fox is the award-winning author of Dining in Paradise, also celebrated in 2019 at Canada’s Table (Fort York). As a Foodland Ontario spokesperson and recipe developer, she’s an avid locavore and proprietor of Island Gurl Foods available in mainstream supermarkets throughout Canada. Winner of 2022 Canadian Top 25 Immigrant Award, and 2023 Waterfront Culinary Arts Award for outstanding women. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook @islandgurlfoods

Renée Boucher, Montréal, QC : Œuvrant dans le milieu de là restauration depuis plus de 30 ans, Renée a acquis et donné aux suivants son connaissances et sa passion pour le métier.  Directrice des services alimentaires dans résidence pour personnes autonome, chef propriétaire d’une boutique traiteur, chef exécutive et formatrice pour le programme sceaux-rouge, apprentissage en milieu de travail.

Renée Grégoire, Montréal, QC : Après l’obtention d’un bac en design graphique, Renée a occupé divers postes de création dans le milieu de l’édition et du magazine. Après son passage au magazine ELLE Québec, elle se spécialise en conception d’image de marque mais surtout en éditions sur mesure. De 2006 à 2016, elle travaille plus particulièrement, à la direction artistique des magazines Cellier et Tchin Tchin de la SAQ. Forte de son expertise et de ses rencontres dans le milieu du vin et de la gastronomie, elle fonde en 2017, lasphereculinaire.ca qui s’articule autour du plaisir de voyager par la cuisine.

Samira Zarghami, Toronto, ON: Samira, a Registered Dietitian (RD) with over 30 years of experience, is dedicated to harmonizing human health with environmental sustainability. Passionate about food in every sense, she believes in making healthy eating simple and intuitive. Every plate should be colourful, nourishing, and kind to the planet. Samira takes her role as a dietitian seriously, educating the public on the importance of incorporating local, seasonal foods into daily choices. As an advocate for sustainable practices, she is committed to promoting a healthier planet through mindful, whole food choices.

Sarah Carrier, Sherbrooke, QC :

Stephanie Lavigne, Sherbrooke, QC : Diplômée en cuisine au Centre de formation 24 juin à Sherbrooke au début des années 2000, elle a exploré plusieurs domaines de l’alimentation dont l’enseignement au même centre qui l’a formé et le partage de sa passion au travers les ateliers de La Tablée des Chefs. Depuis, la cuisine est toujours demeurée sa principale passion et son besoin de jumelée alimentation et santé est devenue une quête.

Sylvain Arès, Montréal, QC : Conseiller volontaire pour Catalyste+. 40 années d’expérience diverses dans plusieurs milieux du secteur de l’alimentation provinciale, nationale et internationale. Dernièrement, Expert cuisine aux olympiades de la formation professionnelle au Québec et membre du comité technique national en cuisine pour Skills Canada à Winnipeg 2023.

Timothée Kételle, Saint Bruno de Montarville, QC :

Virginie Beauchamp, Victoria, BC : Virginie Beauchamp est une femme passionnée ! Elle a œuvré dans le milieu évènementiel et a eu sa propre entreprise de conciergerie à Montréal. Habitant maintenant à Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique, elle sillonne la ville à la découverte de bonnes adresses gourmandes. Elle est chroniqueuse gastronomique et partage son carnet de bonnes adresses à Radio Canada Vancouver à l’émission Panorama et dans certains journaux locaux. Virginie a aussi collaboré avec l’équipe du magazine Montréalais Caribou et a animé plusieurs circuits gourmands. Instagram @viebeauchamp

Virginie Landry, Montréal, QC : Journaliste dont les sujets de prédilection sont l’alimentation, le tourisme et la culture, Virginie rédige pour plusieurs publications, dont le magazine Caribou, le journal Le Devoir ainsi que de nombreuses plateformes numériques. 

Zoe Currelly, Salt Spring Island, B.C. As a trained chef, Zoe has had a varied career from cooking in remote mining camps and film sets, creating and selling a small food company, to recipe development and marketing. Currently managing a specialty food shop on Salt Spring Island, Zoe can mostly be found in the kitchen or gathering the nerve for an ocean cold plunge.

**Please note that some judges prefer to remain anonymous.

Judge Selection Committee 2024

Karen Barnaby
Barbara Barnes
Marie-Josée Demers