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Taste Canada Cooks the Books

Video created by Cropped Film

Cooks the Books is a cooking competition that invites Canadian culinary students from across the nation to compete for the title of Canada’s Best New Student Chefs.


Sarah Ayach and Kathleen Williams from SAIT

Duo of Alberta Beef with Fall Vegetables


Aika See and Christopher Johnson from Fanshawe College Pan

Seared Duck Breast with Blueberry Sauce and Wild Rice Salad with Maitake Mushrooms & Honey.

Cook the Books Teams

Cooks the Books – A Student Chef Battle was held at Mildred’s Temple Kitchen in Toronto on October 26, 2019.  This competition was presented in partnership with the Canola Eat Well and Grain Farmers of Ontario, with Education Awareness Partner, ThinkBeef.

Final Plated Dishes

These are some of the wonderful dishes that the student chef teams created.

Special thanks to Robyn S Russell Photography for capturing the excitement from Cooks the Books 2019

Thank you to our Cooks the Books judges, Anna Olson, Matt Dean Pettit, Claire Tansey & Irene Matys for sharing their food writing and culinary expertise with the 2019 competitors.